Passing of Retired Police Officer Marilyn J. Musser #1646 Dear Members, It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Retired Police Officer Marilyn J. Musser #1646, who passed away on July 23, 2023. Marilyn retired in January

UPDATE A previous version listed the incorrect date for Retired Captain Larry J. Otter’s memorial service. Below is the correct information. Members, Below are details for Retired Captain Lorrence “Larry” J. Otter’s memorial service. Larry

RIP BRAD WOODINGTON – COUNTY COMM – UPDATE – SEE SPECIAL REQUEST BY Ron Webster Leroy, please help me with a request…In July 1983 a photo was taken at Williams Street Park of the entire

Apparently, Barnes and Noble has no standards regarding who they let through the doors. If you don’t believe me, just ask Mike Sterner, or Jim Lucarotti. Absolute Justus A Texas Ranger Series Book 1 Retirement