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After X-rays and further examination by the doctor it was determined that an operation is in order. The damage to my shoulder is extensive. Worse news, the damage will put me on the disabled list for awhile and you may have to re-read.old Farsiders for a bit.

Sorry about that,


33 Thoughts on “UPDATING THE UPDATE!

  1. As long as you can operate the Remote and hoist a 12 oz you will have an expedient recovery. Be well friend.

  2. Take care of the shoulder, and don’t worry about us old folks trying to remember what we used to do. We can wait a little longer for the Farsider. But keep us informed, as you are able, as to your shoulder situation.

  3. You do what is right for Leroy. We’ll all survive anticipating the next Farsider with an update for the update.

  4. Leroy…wishing you a speedy recovery!!
    Rest up and get back to 100% soon.
    Don’t worry about the Farsider…your recovery is the top priority.

  5. My sister just had her shoulder replaced and the recovery isn’t that bad…Will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  6. Oh no Leroy, very sorry to hear that surgery is needed.
    Sending prayers that you will receive the very best care and that you will mend quickly and completely.
    Don’t you dare fret about the Farsider!
    All that matters is that you rest and take care of yourself and get all better.

  7. Oh we are so sorry to hear that. Now you won’t know where you wife put everything.
    Hope you have a speedy recovery. All the best.
    Bob and me

  8. So sorry surgery is needed, but glad you are taking care of your shoulder. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Leroy.

  9. With all the forced down time, you should be able to compose even more of your personal stories. A bit of advice given to me by one surgeon, because of many operations and loss of blood, “carry a plastic bag and a jar to hold what falls off or drips.” Take care of yourself.

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