3 Thoughts on “August 28 is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

    1. I hear you….. I have mourned over all my dogs more that family members. No disrespet, of course, but family are people. Dogs are forever and I remember every one of them since I was 6 years old….

  1. Thanks for this Farsider. My daughter is a veterinarian in the Colorado mountains. She, like all vets, get the dogs people no longer want or are mistreated/abused. She works real hard to find them forever homes. When she has exhausted all possibilities I get the the phone call, ” Hi pop, I’ve have another dog” Over the last 25 years I have accepted six (6) dogs. Some older, some young, very fearful of people, being happy and playful is not known to most of them. On the farm here there are no fences or cages, plenty of shade, dog houses full of old blankets to snuggle in during the winter, rides in the back of the truck, ponds in the pastures to swim in, and a spot next to my chair on the front porch where they can doze, eat a dog biscuit or two while my wife and I contemplate things. When they are ready to cross the rainbow bridge the local vet provides the service, usually at a discount knowing what I do and my daughters referral. So, thanks for again.
    Got to go out and lift two old German shepherds into the back of my truck as we’re going to town and run some errands. Oh boy, oh boy!

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