Passing of Retired Lt. Don Trujillo #1034

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 Ernie Alcantar, President

 Curtis Jackson, Vice President  Larry Lundberg, Treasurer
 Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arms   Ken Jacksteit, Editor
Mattos Mail Bag!
Hello all,It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of
retired Lt. Don Trujillo #1034
Lt. Trujillo passed away on June 29, 2023.
There will be no services.
Click on the below link for his obituary. began his career with the San Jose Police Dept in 1959 and retired in 1987. He rose to the rank of lieutenant and ultimately commanded the Traffic, Narcotics, and Homicide Units. During these years he added greatly to his police stories catalog. In admiration of his considerable archive, one Christmas Don received a bogus “autographed by author” copy of The Choirboys, by Joseph Wambaugh, a writer whose police-themed fiction usually involved dark humor and outrageous incidents.
Thank you,
Ernie Alcantar
PBA President 

2 Thoughts on “Passing of Retired Lt. Don Trujillo #1034

  1. I survived three bosses while working Narcotics; Lt. Trujillo was the last. After I moved on from the PD, I stayed in touch with Don, meeting up with him at his favorite spot: The Happy Hound in Los Gatos. He loved those hotdogs, and I enjoyed his humor. We last met up in 2012, and I always figured I’d see him again when I was back out that way. How many times have we said that about those we worked with? Rest in Peace, Don.

  2. Was initially selected to my 7-year Vice Unit tour by Lt. Don Trujillo, 100% by surprise – the old days of “shoulder-tap” in 1973. Had a great relationship and respect for him for the many shared work years, therafter. Remained in touch with him as the P.D. years continued. Like Russ, I experienced a post-retirement (for both Lt. Trujillo and myself) situation, where Lt. Trujillo occasionally joined a weekly breakfast clatch that I had earlier joined with a number of the Greek community (including Angelo of “Angelo’s Restaurant”). These breakfast sessions were at the ORIGINAL “Bill’s Cafe” on Willow @ Lincoln. Don soon entertained the old guys with stories and fit right in … though not available nearly as often as we would have hoped.
    You’ve earned this well-deserved rest, (Lt.) Don. May your memory be eternal. Certainly will be with me.

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