Services will be on January 10, 2023 n Alta Mesa Memorial Parkn695 Arastradero RoadnPalo Alto, CA 94306 n Service begins at 11:30 AMnBurial at 2:00 PM
nMike Nichols #1183 nn n Gents, n n The office of the Chief received a phone call from Kala Nichols letting us know that her father, Sgt Nichols (pic attached) had recently passed away.
n– FROM LUCA FURNARE -n n n [wpcode id=”7128″]n n nWhen filling out your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address:nA Recovering American Soldier, c/o Walter Reed Army Medical
nLeroy,nnDavid Samsel’s wife Geri asked me to pass this brief message on to you so it can go out to his friends.nnDavid’s wife Geri just reported that David passed away today peacefully after a brief
interesting tidbits from YOUR PBA. n Sent to limited members. Get yours by subscribing HERE n SJPBA n n Email Campaign Archive n from SJPBA njoin our mailing listn n n 12/09/2022 – Police/Fire Christmas
nnnPUNS: Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speaknn RECOGNIZE THESE YOUNGSTERS?nCIRCA 3/20/02 nn n n n n n n n n WHEN MARGIE THROWS AnCHRISTMAS PARTY!
nnWe hosted 300 guests, ate & drank well, and danced the night away.nSJPD rocks!!!
MASSIVE BORING MACHINEn$460 million contract to pave way for BART tunnel in San JosenBY ELIYAHU KAMISHERnEKAMISHER@BAYAREANEWSGROUP.COM nSanta Clara County appears to have decided to buy a colossal mechanical worm to dig a tunnel the size
nn n n n nnAllen, BryannnBarikimo, JonnnBiebel, PhilnnBorbons, CarlnnBrookins, DennisnnBrown, CharlesnnBuckhout, CraignnCarr, John Jr.nnChristiansen, BobnnCornfield, Scottnn n n December Birthdays nnnFinton, Roger (Deceased)nnGrant, DougnnGuido, JimnnGwillim, ReesennHandforth, TerrynnHunter, Dick (Deceased)nnJacksteit, KennnKnea, TimnnKnopf, Art (Deceased)nnLagergren, FrednnLanctot, Noel