LET’S GET THIS FARSIDER OF WITH A START! CLICK HERE  nnn nEditor’s Note: nn n n n A source has informed me that while Punxsutawney Phil was basking in his 15 minutes of fame, FBI

n nJust a quick note to let you know that I’ll be making an appearance at the Gilroy Barnes & Noble on Saturday Feb 11, from 11:30-5 pm, reading stories and signing copies of my

n RIP TOM WHEATLEY n n n nnEditor’s note: Shameless plugs for our favorite authors!nnnn n n Retired Texas Ranger Wade Justus has returned to his beautiful cattle ranch in the Texas Hill Country where

Robert Burns Night, Fundraiser for San Jose Police Chaplaincy – Jan 25th @ 5pm n We will have bagpipe entertainment by the “Wicked Tinkers”, and possibly some Scottish dancers. We will be selling drink tickets, raffle tickets,