Editor’s Note: We are all experiencing terrible weather and the thunder, lightening and torrential rains was too much for our PG&E up here and we’ve been without power since 4AM! Well, I got on my

In a recent “musings” I commented on a photo of the BOD and friends enjoying breakfast and assumed (ass/u/me) that the PBA picked up the tap. Ernie assured me that the members paid their own

n nGot in a bit of a tiff with the Treasurer over my request for financial information. He refused to provide it. I explained that I had over 800 subscribers who, I assume. are paid

nAN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATIONn n nJanuary Birthdays nn n n n Amaral, MikennBabineau, CherylnnBernardo, GuynnChristie, KennnnClifton, CraignnDaulton, RichnnDeMers, DonnnDooley, JeffnnDotzler, JennynnDwyer, PatnnEsparza, JohnnnFazo, Davenn  n Fehr, MikennFerla, AlnnGarino, KennnHeiken, Al (Deceased)nnHendrix, DavennHill, LouiennLow, JohnnnLucarotti, JimnnLundberg, LarrynnMalcom,