This month’s meeting had 70 attendees.

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 Ernie Alcantar, President     Curtis Jackson, Vice President

 Larry Lundberg, Treasurer    Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arms

                                                                 Ken Jacksteit, Editor
Mattos Mail Bag!

Hello all,This month’s meeting had 70 attendees.  Thank you all!

Returning members:

Jim Carlton, Fred Lagergren, Larry Reuter, Mike Sterner, Jodi Williams, Ken Yules

New member(s): Retired Sgt. Brad Barnett #1833, Capt. Phil Beltran #1388
Welcome aboard to both!

Guests: None

Raffle prizes donated by:
Phil Beltran, Ernie Hernandez, Curt Reeves, Goodwill, Brett Johnson, Al McCulloch, Jim Silvers, Robert Valenzuela, PBA
As always, all contributions are very much appreciated, thank you!

Keith Kelley BBQ, July 10th, San Jose Historical Museum

Bourbon and BBQ Chaplaincy Fundraiser, July 13th POA Hall

Above is the flyer for the upcoming event. It is a very worthwhile fundraiser to give back to the Chaplaincy Program and the efforts of Chaplains Bryan Allen and Jim Becknall for their response and efforts when called upon. I encourage your support.

Retired Sgt. Phil Rodgers and active Lt. Jodie Williams #3571 spoke about fundraising efforts for the Special Olympics.
Phil accepted PBA members’ donations to offset costs for the local Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run.
The PBA donated $250 to the Special Olympics organization.

Ofc. Morris VanDyck Hubbard #21, 100-year anniversary memorial, July 12, 2024, Oak Hill Cemetery



The members only PBA annual BBQ, August 21st, POA Hall.

Guests: None

Happy Birthday to the members celebrating this month and $25 birthday gift card winners:

  • Roger Sides (Shell Gas)
  • Mark Goings (Starbucks)
  • John Shaver (Bass Pro)
JUNE BIRTHDAYS (Dates to the right are the retired dates)

1   Ady, Bruce                (2004)
2   Aguirre, Jim              (2006)
3   Anthony, Tom          (1995)
4   Becknall, Jim (Chaplain)
5   Byers, Jonathon        (Active)
6   Caro, Bert                 (2001)
7   Fox, Mike Jr. (Goodwill Pres-CEO/Assoc.)
8   Goings, Mark            (2010)
9   Harmon, Paul           (2011)
10 Hirata, Gary              (2006)
11 Korver, Greg             (2006)
12 Morrill, Greg            (2011)
13 Morris, Jack              (1993)
14 Muyo, Nick               (2007)
15 Reyes, Yolanda (Civ./Assoc.) (2017)
16 Salvi, Pete                (1998)
17 Shaver, John             (2003)
18 Sides, Roger             (1998)
19 St. Amour, Bob         (2010)
20 Unger, Bruce             (2009)
21 Weesner, Greg         (2005)
22 Welker, Jessica         (Active)
23 Wells, Bill                 (1998)
24 Wilson, Neal             (2010)Deceased
Bridgen, Dave (Chaplain)
Browning, Robert
Cossey, Kent
Garringer, Roy
Givin, Wilbur (Wil)
Graves, Pete
Grigg, Bruce
Gurley, Rich
Johnson, Tom
Kingsley, Fred
McTeague, Dan
Miller, Rollie
Nagengast, Tom
Payton, George
Robison, Manoah (Rob)
Schriefer, Hank
Terry, Glenn
Weiser, Rich
Happy Birthday: Chaplain Jim Becknall, Tom Anthony, Nick Muyo

Tony Destro, Jim Carlton, Bruce Morton, Bob Summers, Carm Grande, Brian Bennert,
Buck DeMers, Charlie Hoehn, Al McCulloch

Reese Gwillim, Bob Finnie, Mark Alvares, Tim Knea, Mike Sterner, Fred Lagergren,
Ken Munson

Mike Roberts, Brett Johnson, Tom Mazzone, Tom Anthony, Terry Handforth, Larry Lundberg

John Carr Sr, Jim Spence, Dave Wysuph, Phil Rodgers, Jodi Williams

Bill Mason, Bill Clark, Mike Amaral, Craig Clifton, Ken Jacksteit, Gene Phillips, Gary Johnson,
Ken Yules

Dinner is ready

George Padilla, Ted Vasquez, Dave Byers, Curt Reeves, Don Parks, Ken Tanaka

Susan Annino, Robert Valenzuela, Rene Retuta, Phil Beltran, Felipe Flores, Mike Mendez,
Ernie Hernandez, Tony Rodriguez

Bill Santos, Walt Robinson, Chris Ewing, Jim Silvers, Chaplain Bryan Allen

Vince Kubo, Pete Tuminia, Tom McCready

Jerry Smith, Louis Hill, Brad Barnett

Ken Yules, Guy Bernardo, Bill Mason

Rich Frazier, John Quinn

Please ensure the PBA has your correct contact information.  Address updates may be sent to:
Larry Lundberg, or Ken Jacksteit,

As always; if you may have a question, concern, comment or would like to reach out, my email is:

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President

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