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If you attended one of our events or donated to the cause, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support. As we are launching the 2024 HOPE MOTORCYCLE RALLY, we start this year’s efforts with some sad news, on January 13, 2024 we lost our dear friend Dave Tozer. Dave was the founder of the HOPE Motorcycle Rally and my partner in this cause. I am heartbroken beyond words. I will be eternally grateful for his love, support and friendship – I was one of the people that Dave saved. 

Dave fought a hard fight till the end. Dave beat the odds! He found out he had stage four Prostate cancer and was told to get his affairs in order – he probably had less than six months to live. He thought about the possibility of dying and decided he was going to fight like hell to live and that is what he did, he lived another 14 years. Dave was able to see his grandson born; enjoy his passion for flying airplanes as a private pilot and of course riding his Indian Motorcycle to the end of his days. Dave’s mission will live on through the HOPE Motorcycle Rally and the many men and women that he touched through this cause. 

Please join me to make this year’s event EXTRA special in Dave’s honor. Ride on my Brother you are in God’s hands, until we meet again…FULL ARTICLE HERE

3 Thoughts on “2024 HOPE MOTORCYCLE RALLY

  1. Wish I could be there, but all I have in regards to a motorcycle is a 65cc Benelli Buzzer (look it up, you will see why) Also it would be quite a ride from Tennessee.

  2. From 20001 to 2007 John Boyles, myself and a bunch of our friends (too many to acknowledge) organized the Santa Clara Valley Peace Officers Memorial Run. In 2007, approximately 5,000 motorcycles participated in the police escort from the Sheriff’s Office on Younger Avenue to Bolado Park, just south of Hollister. Dave Tozier organized the helicopter flyover for the Memorial Service at the Sheriff’s Office. Up to that point I had no idea how expensive it was to put a helicopter in the air, which made it difficult for Dave to secure commitments from the various Chiefs. As difficult as it was, Dave succeeded every year in getting at least 4 helicopters, and they were awesome. Because they flew in from the north, they were obscured by the Sheriff’s Office building until all of a sudden they were directly overhead, flying low and very loud. Three together and the fourth peeling off. Incredible! I was not surprised to learn that Dave had teamed up with Rey Sotelo to organize the Hope Motorcycle Rally. Fighting for his own life, he was giving back to others. An incredible person, man, police officer and brother. Rest in Peace Dave. Buck Harris.

  3. Great guy. Incredible contributor to society. Premium definition of a “fighter to the end”. So sorry to hear this. May his memory be eternal.

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