Police/Fire Retiree BBQ Photos

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Mattos Mail Bag!

Hello all, 

The Police/Fire Retiree Association BBQ was well attended this past Thursday at Coyote Ranch.
Police retirees had a good turnout.

Dave Babineau, Mardy Johnson, Ted Vasquez, George Padilla

Scott Savage, Ken Munson, Pete Scanlan, Russ Bence

Rosa Butts, Gunther Riedel, Craig Clifton, Dave Gutierrez, Peggy Vallecilla

Omar Torres (D3), Mayor Matt Mahan, President Ray Storms, David Cohen (D4),
Domingo Candelas (D8)

Jerry Smith, Wil Montano, Michael Moore

Ernie Alcantar, Curtis Jackson

Gary Johnson, Ken Jacksteit

Rich Saito, Buck DeMers, Bill Clark, Michael Moore

Cheryl Babineau, Brian Long, Peggy Vallecilla, Dave Babineau, Rosa Butts

Bob Kosovilka

Kerry Smith

Don Bartels

John Shuman

Bob Kosovilka, Jim Spence

Thank you,

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President 

3 Thoughts on “Police/Fire Retiree BBQ Photos

  1. These are INCREDIBLE photos …… great memories with all of these folks!!! Was “stuck” out-of-town doing the last of the farmwork on the old, historic family heritage farm, prior to impending sale. Would have really enjoyed being there for this. In a 7-8 month old phone conversation, I think my 1-shift car partner, Brent Pascoe mentioned that he typically tries to get to these. Hope he got there (from SoCal area) but, sure good to see the ones who could.

    Ours were very proud times. Really hard to imagine the manner, method and priorities of current patrol procedures on the street. 🙂

  2. Thanks for posting all the pictures. It has been about 45 years since I left SJPD but there were a few names and faces I recognized from way back in the 60’s and 70’s. Great times. There are not too many jobs where one actually looked forward to going to work. Back in those times and working with those officers was truely a pleasure. Thanks again.
    Still out here in the Land of Flat, Bruce Fair Sgt, #1169

  3. Since life has finally slowed down it is our goal to go to more of these events. We missed too many overt the years. It was so much fun for both of us seeing everyone and catching up.

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