nn n We are with you – SJPD Women’s History Month 2022n nNew San Jose deputy chief gives new look, leadership to investigations n Heather Randol is the first woman to head SJPD detectives bureau
n NOTICE! EARLY DISTRIBUTION TO SHOW OFF CLASSIFIED SECTION.nMusings is becoming a full service site now offering a “CLASSIFIED” section for members having items for sale. This was prompted by a member who had a
n n n n n n The PBA meets tomorrow, Wednesday, March 16 at 5 pm at the POA hall. n Lumpy nn n n n
From Dennis McKenzien n n n I was contacted by Dwight’s wife Renate yesterday about Dwight’s passing. He died Thurs evening the 24th after a long fight with heart attacks and finally heart failure. Renate,
A NOTE TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TO CMPD AND THIS PUBLICATION:nMANY THANKS! nn n n n Michael G AlfordnJames AndersonnGermaine AntonowicznCheryl BabineaunDennis BayersnErnest P BrownnPhyllis CaldwellnMarsha CampbellnJim A CarltonnRich ChristiansennRobert Christiansen, Jr.n n Craig C
n n n n n n January Birthdays1 Amaral, Mike2 Babineau, Cheryl3 Bernardo, Guy4 Buell, Cindy5 Clifton, Craig6 Daulton, Rich7 DeMers, Don8 Dooley, Jeff9 Dotzler, Jenny10 Dwyer, Pat11 Esparza, John12 Fehr, Mike13 Ferla, Al14 Garino,
nA few donations have been rec’d to maintain this website. We are very thankful and hoping that it is just the beginning. Musings can be a long-term effort!nnJust to confirm:n n nnPay to the order