The 50s: A Pop Culture Tribute FIFTY ACTS OF KINDNESS An Arizona Highway Patrol officer stops a Harley rider for traveling faster than the posted speed limit: He asks the old biker his name. “Fred.”

Mattos Mail Bag! Hello all,Retired Sgt. Steve Angel was the victim of a hit and run motorcycle accident yesterday and is being treated at a local hospital.  We wish him a speedy recovery.Retired Captain and Police

  SJPD’s Summary of Cinco de Mayo Weekend Operations 2024 Post Date: 05/07/2024 9:20 AM MEDIA ADVISORY  The San José Police Department is dedicated to providing public safety through community partnerships and 21st century policing practices,

SJPD Operations and Events for Cinco De Mayo Weekend Post Date: 05/02/2024 10:20 AM MEDIA ADVISORY  The San José Police Department’s objective is to facilitate a safe environment during the Cinco de Mayo weekend. Historically,