nn Richard John YUHAS, age 86, of Scottsdale, Arizona passed away on Saturday, April 2, 2022.n n nRichard was born October 13, 1935. n nn Media Briefing 03-29-2022Media  n n n n n n n

nn n Ken Hawkes Reports: If you haven’t heard; EmileThompson has been denied parole and can’t have another hearing until March 2027. Ken and Doug Wright gave CPR to Richard that night. You may recall

nn n We are with you – SJPD Women’s History Month 2022n nNew San Jose deputy chief gives new look, leadership to investigations n Heather Randol is the first woman to head SJPD detectives bureau

n NOTICE! EARLY DISTRIBUTION TO SHOW OFF CLASSIFIED SECTION.nMusings is becoming a full service site now offering a “CLASSIFIED” section for members having items for sale. This was prompted by a member who had a