A 3-minute tension reliever from all the bad stuff! Eight NEW Biden Family Scandals ABC, CBS, NBC Are Hiding House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer’s Nov. 8 subpoena of Hunter and James Biden and Special Counsel David Weiss’s

This review and evaluation of commercial bacon is truly a gift to those who enjoy a nice rasher or two, or six. The winner: Applegate Naturals Hickory Smoked Uncured Sunday Bacon There’s so much to like about this

Breaking News!! California’s High Speed Rail Line – First Leg Opens!! In case you haven’t heard the news, California has completed the first leg of the bogged down in politics, long awaited, over-budgeted High Speed

US Forces Attacked 7 Times in Past 48 Hours, Biden Never Mentions It. “U.S. Troops have been Attacked in Iraq and Syria over 7 Times in the last 48 Hours and the President of the

EDITOR’S NOTE: Not to be morbid here, but at 81 I asked my wife if she’d considered where we might be buried when the time came and suggested that it might be nice to be