View this email in your browser Ernie Alcantar, President Curtis Jackson, Vice President Larry Lundberg, Treasurer Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arms Ken Jacksteit, Editor Mattos Mail Bag! Hello
While “safe and sane” fireworks — including sparklers, smokeballs and noisemakers — are legal in many cities throughout California, projectile and explosive fireworks are illegal everywhere in the state. So, unless you have a connection in Chinatown,
IMMIGRATION / JUNE 25, 2024 Trump Is Pro-Immigration The former president recently pushed the idea of expanding America’s green card program to all foreign residents who get their college degrees in the U.S. IMMIGRATION / JOSH HAMMER / JUNE 21, 2024
Ernie Alcantar, President Curtis Jackson, Vice President Larry Lundberg, Treasurer Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arms
Ernie Alcantar, President Curtis Jackson, Vice President Larry Lundberg, Treasurer Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arm
Ernie Alcantar, President Curtis Jackson, Vice President Larry Lundberg, Treasurer Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arms
In the last issue I shared mine and another Fathers Day celebration. Continuing the theme that Lumpy coined, “The glue that holds us together.”, I ask that you all consider sharing your own Fathers Day
Hello again. Curious to know how you fared on Father’s Day? I made out like a bandit. Mike invited us up for a BBQ and my Granddaughter flew in from AZ where she teaches 2nd
Most of you have heard me discuss the cost of publishing The cost of the site itself, the email app that sends the notification to 650+- subscribers. Spam detection, and a bunch of stuff