nIN THE CARE OF nn n n n Shadow Mountain Mortuary n n n n nnRichard (Dick) John Yuhas, 86 years old, son of John Yuhas and Gladys Ruth Yuhas (Nee. Jones). Born in Wilkes-Barre
n n nn n n n n n n n n n MORE FROM MURPHY n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Creator Of Maxine n
Amazing what a good night’s sleep can do. nI remember walking into the living room, sitting down to tell Cheryl of my decision to spend more time with family and give up the weekly publication.
nn Famous Quotes: n Geoffrey Chaucer:nAll good things must come to an end n Leroy: n This is the end n nIt is with sincere regret that I must inform you that this will be
For all our Arizona retirees. Services for Dick are next Monday (4/18). I’m sure his family would love to see the support from his SJPD family. 💙 nn n SJPD BLUE PRIDE n
nn Richard John YUHAS, age 86, of Scottsdale, Arizona passed away on Saturday, April 2, 2022.n n nRichard was born October 13, 1935. n nn Media Briefing 03-29-2022Media n n n n n n n
nn n Ken Hawkes Reports: If you haven’t heard; EmileThompson has been denied parole and can’t have another hearing until March 2027. Ken and Doug Wright gave CPR to Richard that night. You may recall