Mattos Mail Bag!

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Mattos Mail Bag!

Hello all,This month’s meeting had 67 attendees; thank you all!

Condolences to the families of retirees:
Ofc. Willard (Wil) Martin #1354 (Oct),
Sgt Roscoe Fanucchi #1080 (Dec),
Res. Ofc. Roger Falkowitz (Dec),
Ofc. Dave Tozer #1635 (Jan),
Ofc. Bill Tate #1698 (Jan)

Returning members: Dan Archie, Steve Caraway, Gene Phillips, Tim Knea, Bill Mason,
Jim Wagner

New member(s): None

Speaker(s): Jim Spence provided a briefing that some service retired personnel have recently received notification from the Retirement Board that their status has been approved/changed to a disability retirement.  The consequence is the required repayment of some sick time compensation received in prior years.  Please ensure you fully read and understand any correspondence you may receive on the subject.

Raffle prizes donated by: Dave and Cheryl Babineau, Cindy Buell, Goodwill, Ernie Hernandez,
Al McCulloch, PBA.
As always, all contributions are very much appreciated, thank you!

Ofcs. Gene Simpson and Gordon Silva memorial January 20th, 10 am at Oak Hill Cemetery
Ofc. Robert (Bob) White memorial, January 27th, 10 am at Oak Hill Cemetery
Congratulations to active PBA member Katie Zasly #4418 on her promotion to Sergeant.
Retired Ofc. Ron Webster #1462 sent in a link to an upcoming motorcycle rally that Ofc. Dave Tozer was involved in before his passing this month.


Upcoming events:

PBA Valentine’s Dinner/Dance – Feb 10, 2024, please RSVP or to reserve a table of 8.

Happy Birthday to the members celebrating this month and birthday gift card winners:

  • Joe Nunes (Home Depot)
  • Dick Tietgens (Peet’s)
  • Pat Dwyer (Bass Pro)

January Birthdays
(Dates to the right are the retirement dates)
1   Amaral, Mike            (2003)
2   Babineau, Cheryl      (2001)
3   Bernardo, Guy          (2008)
4   Buell, Cindy              (2002)
5   Clifton, Craig            (2010)
6   Daulton, Rich           (2004)
7   DeMers, Don            (2006)
8   Dooley, Jeff              (2003)
9   Dotzler, Jenny          (2012)
10 Dwyer, Pat               (1998)
11 Esparza, John          (2010)
12 Fehr, Mike               (2005)
13 Ferla, Al                   (2010)
14 Hendrix, Dave          (2005)
15 Hill, Louie                 (2006)
16 Low, John                 (1997)
17 Lucarotti, Jim           (2000)
18 Lundberg, Larry        (1998)
19 Mason, Bill               (2010)
20 Murphy, Tom           (2008)
21 Nunes, Joe               (1998)
22 Reid, Fred                (1993)
23 Reuter, Larry            (1995)
24 Russell, Stan             (1985)
25 Spangenberg, Hal     (1990)
26 Spence, Jim              (2001)
27 Tietgens, Dick           (1998)
28 Villagrana, Manny

Garino, Ken
Malcom, Roger
Mattos, Bill
Royal, Russ
Smith, Ron
Stefanini, Mario
Wiskell, Bill

Louie Hill, Jim Spence, Dave Hendrix, Cheryl Babineau, Craig Clifton, Cindy Buell, Bill Mason,
Rich Daulton, Mike Amaral

Rich Frazier, Wil Montano, Tom Anthony, John Quinn

Time to eat.

Dan Archie, George Padilla, Don Parks, Ted Vasquez, Steve Caraway, Gilbert Torres,
Wil Montano

Will Battaglia, Buck DeMers, Kerry Smith, Charlie Hoehn, Al McCulloch, Tony Destro,
Bruce Morton, Brian Bennert

Paul Gardner, Gene Phillips, Kelly Clark (Guest), Bill Clark, Mike Moore, Ken Jacksteit

Terry Handforth, Dave Hendrix, Glenn Bytheway, Bruce Raye

Phil Rodgers, Russ Bence, Reese Gwillim, Jim Spence, Gilbert Torres

Susan Anino, Tom Mazzone, Tom Anthony, Mike Roberts

BIll Santos, Mike Richmond, Bill Mason, Mike Amaral, Steve Melo, Mike Alford, Craig Clifton

Darrell Cortez, Ron Gaumont, Rene Retuta, Pete Gonzalez, Felipe Flores, Mike Mendez,
Ernie Hernandez

Rich Daulton, Mike Kihmm, Scott Savage, Ken Tanaka

John Carr Sr., Dave and Cheryl Babineau

Dave Wysuph, Dan Archie

Cindy Buell, Bruce Morton

Please ensure the PBA has your correct contact information.  Address updates may be sent to:
Larry Lundberg, or Ken Jacksteit,

As always; if you may have a question, concern, comment or would like to reach out, my email is:
Ernie Alcantar
PBA President

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