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Passing of Retired Police Officer Marilyn J. Musser #1646

Dear Members,

It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Retired Police Officer Marilyn J. Musser #1646, who passed away on July 23, 2023. Marilyn retired in January 1982.


Ray Storms, President


  1. Marilyn and I have been friends since I was hired by SJPD in 1968.
    I worked for SJPD 6 years before lateraling to San Mateo Co. Sheriffs Dept. After receiving my master’s degree, I was hired to teach and Chair the West Valley College, Administration of Justice Program. Marilyn’s husband, Vic (retired FBI) was director of De Anza College’s Firearms Range where my WVC students could take shooting classes, since our college had no range. Marilyn, Vic, my husband Don (Deputy/ San Mateo Co. SO) and I remained close friends, despite living in different counties. Sadly, Vic passed of Cancer. Marilyn never remarried.

    During these years: My husband and I bought a ranch, plus Peruvian Paso horses, and began a breeding/show program. Marilyn visited, rode, and loved our horses and bought herself a ranch plus Peruvian horses to breed and show. Her daughter Michelle was hired by Contra Costa Co. as a Crime Lab Technician. We ALL had great times at horses shows, bringing home ribbons/Trophies and making Owner/Breeder friends from throughout the US, and Peru. Some years later, Marilyn suffered a stroke and had limited physical abilities, so she sold her ranch/horses, and she and her daughter bought in a Townhouse Community.

    After my retirement, and my husband’s retirement from San Mateo County S/O, we decided to leave California for Texas. We bought a ranch just west of Ft. Worth, love Texas and the fine folks here. A few years after we moved, Marilyn and her recently retired daughter Michelle also decided to depart California for Texas and they bought a home just north of Austin.

    Marilyn’s recent passing followed a Cancer diagnosis which worsened with time.
    My husband Don, and I pray that she is with Vic again and resting in peace.

    Marge Faulstich

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