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nWHAMMY #1nnThe dentist advised that my upper right molar would have to be extracted. Some mysterious dentist reasoning that if the upper molar was gone (it was) then the lack of pressure on the lower molar would cause it to deteriorate. So rather than wait, let’s just remove it. A totally healthy molar! Gone!nnReasonable enough, until I realized that the tool used was a plumber’s wrench. Musta been a plumber’s wrench since it was ripped out leaving a gaping wound that hurt like H*ll for days and required mucho ibuprohen to help me sleep.nnWHAMMY #2nnSome who may follow me on Twitter or Facebook know that a recent biopsy of a spot on my temple revealed a Basal Cell Carcinoma that required a trip to Roseville to have it removed. I was advised to allot the entire day for the procedure, as numerous attempts may be necessary if the first layer is not successful. I was fortunate that tests revealed no further action necessary.nnMy wife drove me home only to learn that Joe Biden was still president! ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!nnHopefully, we’ll be back next week. Get your contributions in soon!nnThanx,nnnLeroy

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