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What is the status of the police explorers and is leroy pyle involved?

The Police Explorers program, officially known as Law Enforcement Exploring, is a career-oriented initiative under Learning for Life, a Boy Scouts of America affiliate. It remains active across the United States as of March 5, 2025, engaging youths aged 14–21 (or those who have completed 8th grade) in hands-on law enforcement experiences. The program aims to educate participants about police operations, foster interest in law enforcement careers, and promote community involvement through activities like ride-alongs, community service, and training in areas such as criminal law and forensics. Nationally, it’s coordinated by Learning for Life, with local posts sponsored by individual law enforcement agencies, each varying in structure and activities based on departmental policies. However, the program has faced scrutiny due to over 190 reported cases of misconduct or abuse by adult mentors since the 1970s, including high-profile incidents like the 2024 indictment of a former mentor in Massachusetts for murder. Oversight remains decentralized, with no known instances of Learning for Life revoking a department’s charter over such issues.

Regarding “leroy pyle,” there is no clear evidence or recognizable reference tying this term—presumably a name—to the Police Explorers program based on available information. It’s possible this is a misspelling, a misinterpretation, or an obscure reference not widely documented. Without additional context or clarification, I cannot confirm any involvement. If you meant a specific individual or entity (e.g., “Leroy Pyle” or something similar), please provide more details, and I can search further using my tools to analyze X posts, web content, or other sources for connections to the program.

For a definitive status update on a specific local post, I’d need the location you’re interested in—each operates independently under its sponsoring agency. As for “leroy pyle,” unless it’s a typo or niche figure, it doesn’t appear linked to the Explorers program broadly. Let me know how to refine this further!

People doing good

Split image of the outside of a mansion and Travis Kelce wearing a backwards hat
Photos: via Google Maps, Erik Drost – Travis Kelce (CC BY 2.0)

NFL star Travis Kelce transformed a $3.3 million mansion into transitional housing for homeless youth

Earlier this year, NFL star Travis Kelce purchased a $3.3 million mansion in Kansas City — it’s not for himself, though. Kelce transformed it into transitional housing for homeless youth.

And now, the Kansas City Chiefs tight end has officially donated the house to Foster Love, a nonprofit organization that supports children and young adults navigating the foster care system.

Kelce’s donation will specifically help young people who are unable to secure permanent housing during the “transitional ages” of 18 to 24 — a uniquely challenging time for those who grew up in foster care.

Foster Love said that Kelce also took a multi-pronged approach to his donation, by bundling free housing with mentorship opportunities and educational resources to “give these youth the tools they need to move toward independence” and “break the cycle of homelessness.”

→ Read more

Random thought: It’s true: I have an inferiority complex, but it’s not a very good one.

Welcome back, and since you were brave enough to return, I’ll reward you with a short post so you can get about your day. Here’s one of my favorite tales from Volume 2 of FAST FICTION: Man vs. Machine. I can’t give public thanks to whoever provided the prompt because my records don’t list the generous soul. My bad. 😣

Here’s the Story of the Week.

      Excitement at the Senior Center

“Good heavens, officer,” Mildred said. “I’m trying to help you but I’ve never witnessed a crime before.”

“I understand, ma’am. Can we return to the questions I was asking?”

“Certainly. Actually, I have witnessed crimes before but that was on Matlock and CSI. Does that count?”

“Not even a little. Again, what color was the suspect vehicle?”

“Suspect vehicle? This is so exciting! What do you suspect him of?”

“Well, since he hit your car and drove away, I’m thinking hit-and-run.”

“My, that sounds serious. Was anyone hurt?”

“Based on what I’m hearing so far, I’m not sure we’ll ever know.”

Prompt: Just the facts, ma’am

Novel News & Notes:

Last week I said I hoped I’d be able to celebrate today by telling you I finished my latest draft.

I did.

Yep, I slashed and burned, getting the draft down to a svelte 90,896 words (or 396 pages). It’s probably still too long, but that’s why God invented editors, right? I’m very happy with how it currently reads. Hit me up in a month or so after I hear back from my editor and we’ll see what I think.

I’ll share one brief chuckle with you before signing off. I use an editing/proofreading app that is A.I. based, but only for the grammar—nothing remotely close to the creative stuff.

Since some of my Questionable Characters are drug users, I occasionally refer to them as “meth abusers.” In our politically correct world, however, A.I. suggested I call them “substance misusers,” instead.

How ‘bout no.

As always, thanks for listening.

Scotty out
Flagstone Press

215 Reservation Rd, suite 0-131, Marina, CA 93933

To What End?

Ron Martinelli, Ph.D., Forensic Criminologist

Copyright © March 5, 2025

Since former President Joe Biden and his administration assumed oƯice, I and
many other confused Americans from all three sides of the political spectrum
who have been watching the radical, negative changes in our nation have
been asking themselves, “To what end?”
No matter whether you are a common sense conservative like me, an
Independent, or a moderate Democrat, those three words, “To what end?”
pretty much sums up our feelings of confusion, frustration, anxiety and even
anger over failed President Biden’s extremist national and international
policies that have endangered all Americans.
The records factually and clearly reflect that from Day One, President Biden
transitioned President Trump’s policies that created a secure national border,
law and order, respect for the Rule of Law and a strong military, into what has
been referred to as “Open Borders.” The Open Borders policy immediately
resulted chaos, violent crime, a loss of our national security and a weak, woke
military. To what end?
After four years of the Biden/Harris administration, supported by the
Democrat Senate and Congress, we now have over 12 million illegal aliens –
undocumented aliens are referred to as “UDA’s” – from 160 countries in this
country. Add that to approximately 20 million illegals we already had from
decades of past administrations going back to the Reagan administration. Of
these, we have documented the presence of tens of thousands of murderers,
sex oƯenders, drug traƯickers, burglars, auto thieves, and retail theft gangs.
To what end?
The seven Mexican transnational drug, human and sex traƯicking cartels are
making tens of billions of dollars oƯ of the Biden/Harris open borders regime.
America has made them the strongest, most powerful criminal and terrorist
organizations in the world.

The cartels have systematically enslaved hundreds of thousands of UDA men,
women and children into indentured servitude, drug runners and sex slaves
within our borders. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ICE and
Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) report that they cannot account for over
320,000 UDA children who were illegally transported across our porous
southern border. It is believed that tens of thousands of these minors are
currently being sex traƯicked throughout the country. To what end?
Mexican cartels using violent Mexican and Venezuelan violent, organized
street gangs like MS-13 and Tren de Aragua not only facilitate the
transportation and distribution of deadly drugs like fentanyl,
methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin, but sex traƯic young women and
children to the most depraved among us. Every year for the past four years we
have lost twice as many Americans as we did in the fifteen years of the
Vietnam War to overdose deaths. To what end?
Our once peaceful cities like Aurora, CO have been overrun and taken over by
these newly designated terrorist organizations. States and our largest cities
who have large populations of UDA’s, including tens of thousands of violent
gang members, drug dealers, sex oƯenders and thieves, voluntarily divert
billions and tens of millions of tax payer dollars to support this illegal
population. All while inner city youth, hapless seniors and our homeless
veterans are starved for critical scholastic, food, medical support and
housing. Many Americans are literally hostages in their own homes, afraid to
walk the streets or take public transit to commute, buy food or life sustaining
medication in fear that they will become the next victim To what end?
You get the picture. Even though the Legacy Media tried its best to conceal the
Biden/Harris open borders debacle, enough Americans have been victimized
to finally up. Our most national elections showed this awakening. The
definition of a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged. Americans of all
races and backgrounds voted red like never before. This is what is referred to
as a “mandate for change” away from the woke Democratic ideology.
Under the Biden/Harris administration and their complicit Democrat Senate
and Congress, America’s foreign policy has been a total joke. As one who
frequently travels internationally, I can tell you that our U.S. dollar is devalued.

Our EU allies and Mexican friends I speak with candidly ask me “What the hell
is up in your country?”
Don’t be beguiled by the Legacy Media and globalist talking heads who have
told you that former President Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
were respected by our allies. They were not. They were easily used by them.
President Trump is right. The endless war in the Ukraine and the October 7th
attack in Isreal would have never happened on his watch.
President Trump declared it last night in his State of the Union-type speech.
America is back and an American First attitude and policies with it. Thank
Now for the reason of this article. The responses to President Trump’s speech
last night by the assembled Democrat politicians I observed last night was
perhaps some of the most disgusting behaviors I have ever seen. I was both
saddened and sickened by their petulant and outwardly disrespectful
responses. What I witnessed was not only a lack of respectful responses
towards our President, but to the numerous special American visitors he had
oƯered to the American audience in a show of solidarity of what the
“American Spirit” should be all about.
I understand the ideological disagreements Democrats have with President
Trump. However, if Democrats can’t stand and applaud respectfully for a 13
year old black cancer survivor who has valiantly fought this deadly disease
and dreams to one day become a police oƯicer, you have no soul. If you can’t
stand and respectfully applaud the mothers and families of two wonderful
young girls brutally murdered by UDA criminal sexual predators, then you have
no heart. To what end?
I witnessed all of the Democrats in the room sitting and disrespectfully
texting, talking to each other and/or holding up idiotic signs that read, “False,”
“Musk Stole,” “Help Vets,” and “This is not normal,” while our President
introduced a young wife and mother of a rookie NYPD oƯicer brutally
murdered by a repeat oƯender with twenty one prior felonies. To what end?
Democrat politicians sat disrespectfully as President Trump introduced the
family of a fire captain from Butler, PA who was cut down in the same hail of

bullets that a would be assassin directed towards our President while
heroically shielding his wife and family.
They sat as the 95-year old mother and her school teacher son who had been
politically and falsely arrested and imprisoned by the Russians, who President
had released in only ten days was introduced. If as Americans, you can’t stand
and applaud this grateful woman and her son and celebrate his return to us,
then you have no conscious. I must ask you, “To what end.”
Last night we all saw many other examples of the Democrats’ despicable
behavior, not only as politicians who represent constituents, but as so-called
Americans have a right to get some clear answers from these Democrats
absent the boring, word salad rhetoric we normally hear from nearly all of
them. Whether it is why we’ve had four years of open borders where they
facilitated and supported the illegal entry of millions of illegal aliens and
criminals into our country.
The Democrats’ abandonment of women’s rights in fighting for biological
males to compete against, vanquish and destroy the hopes and dreams of our
young girls and women in competitive sports contradicts their rhetoric that
they fight for women’s rights. Really? If you are unwilling to protect our
children, then all you are making is noise.
The Democrats’ resist movement against ICE in deporting violent, criminal,
predatory illegal alien criminals from our country is more than troubling, it
borders on being criminal. Their movements puts law enforcement oƯicers
and the public at risk. Their baseless virtue signaling make no sense. Why
protect violent criminals including sexual predators and drug dealers?
The Democrats’ support for a seemingly endless war in the Ukraine that has
killed millions of men, women and children on both sides. Supporting policies
that directly facilitated the tremendous growth of Mexican transnational cartel
and street gang terrorist organizations in the U.S. Resisting eƯorts of the
DHS/ICE to arrest sex traƯickers and rescue hundreds of thousands of young
women and children being sex traƯicked by them.

Adam Schiff’s Ukraine Connection Under Fire as Ciaramella Resurfaces
Read more HERE




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