Comments to the Mail Bag

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 Ernie Alcantar, President     Curtis Jackson, Vice President

   Cindy Buell, Treasurer        Dan Archie, Sgt. at Arms      

             Ken Jacksteit, Editor
Mattos Mail Bag!
Hello all,The Mail Bag received some comments regarding the recent announcements for
Sgt. Gary Madison and Ofc. Buc DeMers:Thank you for taking on the responsibility of passing on the sad news of those who have had passed before us.
It is important that we remember the fine officers who dedicated their lives to the Department.Connie Abram

If I remember he is Chief DeMer’s son.
Chief DeMers, Joe Earnshaw and I were in business together 55 years ago.
God Speed.

George Jaeger

Another hero


Steve Mello

Just prior to his passing, I wrote down some reflections on Bucky.  
Just before Christmas 1978, two CHP officers were shot and killed during an early morning car stop on the Yolo causeway outside of Sacramento.
The funeral was the day after Xmas (Dec. 26) in Woodland, CA.
Buc and I rode our PD motorcycles up there along with several officers in patrol cars to represent SJPD at the funeral.
The church was overflowing with officers so the rest of us stood in ranks on the street during the service.
It was bitterly cold and foggy. A solemn day.

In the late 80’s on an August Friday night, there was a general call back for the entire traffic unit.
The Santa Clara County fair was in full swing at 7th & Tully and there was also a David Bowie concert just blocks away at Spartan Stadium.
We were all busy with traffic and crowd control. Sgt. Dave Longaker rode around making sure things were running smoothly but failed to see Bucky at his post. 
Dave called Buc several times on the radio wanting to know his status and location.
Bucky finally came on his hand-pack and said he was in the traffic office doing his weekly activity sheet.
Needless to say, Dave ordered Buc back to his post ASAP!

In the early 90’s, after my brother bought a vacation house in NW Tucson, Buc flew down with us at least 5 or 6 times on golf and margarita trips.
Lou Martin came with us a few times too. 
Buc and I played golf for years in and around the Bay Area including a few police tournaments.
The attached photo was taken at a Monterey POA outing with deceased Sgt. Dewey Moore in our group.When Buc decided to retire in 1998, he stopped by the personnel office where I was working backgrounds and asked me to accompany him to Retirement Services which was, at that time, located above the Bank of America at 1st & Mission across from City Hall. As we walked to the retirement office I think he was a bit nervous about pulling the plug on his almost 30 year law enforcement career and wanted a “backup” or “fill” while he turned in his papers. I was happy to oblige and wished him well on his next journey.

RIP Bucky.    

Ron Webster

2nd from left, Dewey Moore, Ron Webster, Buc DeMers

Thank you,

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President 

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