SJPBA BBQ/President’s Message

Posted on 1 Comment
Guy Bernardo, Steve Mello, Mike Amaral, Craig Clifton, Ken Jacksteit, Bill Clark, Mike Moore,
Don Meade, Bill Mason
Gene Phillips, Brad Barnett, Darrell Cortez

Phil Rodgers, Dave Wysuph, Tom Mazzone, Tom Anthony

Noe Longoria, Mike Khimm, Mike Fehr

Gilbert Torres, Ralph Percelle

Ken Munson, Bob Finnie, Russ Bence, Dan Katz, Mike Sterner, Reese Gwillim, Dave Dulong,
Tim Knea, Fred Lagergren

Don and Dick Tietgens, Jim Silvers, Pete Tuminia, Ken Yules

George Padilla, Ted Vasquez, Mark Bell, Ralph Percelle, Don Parks

Frank Portillo, Enrique Marquez, Wil Montano, Steve Caraway

Bomb Unit

Tom Mazzone, Dan Archie, Terry Handforth

Curtis Jackson, George Padilla

Bud LoMonaco, Pat Dwyer

Randy Cardin, Pete Tuminia, Tom McCready

Joe Nunes, Gary Kirby

Time to pass out the cake

Phil Flores

Dave Wysuph, Curtis Jackson, Ernie Alcantar

Ernie Alcantar, Carl Borbons

Mike Amaral, Rick Botar

Rich Frazier

Bret Muncy, Cindy Buell, Andy Layne

Heinz Koenig

Steve Mello (Mt. View PD), Pete Salvi

Vince Kubo

In closing, a big thank you to 102 retirees who made the event! It was very much like a family reunion, as is seen in the group photos of the various units worked by the members.
Apologies for those that were missed or not included, it was not deliberate.
Using a minimum average of 25 years of service, it was great to see well over 2500 years of law enforcement experience in one room.

Please ensure the PBA has your correct contact information.  Address updates may be sent to:

 Ken Jacksteit,

As always; if you may have a question, concern, comment or would like to reach out, my email is:

Thank you,

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President

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One thought on “SJPBA BBQ/President’s Message

  1. Man, what a great gathering of many of the Legends of SJPD. Was wonderful to see them all, especially a few that I worked with in BFO/BOI.

    Best regards & yay Our Lord Bless and Watch Over You.

    Ron Martinelli, #1854
    Boerne, Texas

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