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December 22, 2020

From the President:

Greetings to all, near and far.  I will get right to it; I have been informed by the POA that the hall will not be open for our January meeting.  I do not know the prospects for the 2021 Valentine’s Dinner/Dance.  We need some lead time to make the arrangements with the vendors.  I hope to get word early in January for planning purposes.

This has been a most trying year for all of us, not only with the pandemic and the restrictions, but to extent that the illness has personally touched our retiree family and the active members of the PD sworn and non-sworn personnel.  I offer my sincere prayers to all touched by this misfortune.

I would like to recognize the loss of retired Sergeant Gary Hughes.  I had the opportunity of having him as a team sergeant.  It was a good experience working alongside a supervisor who was fair and very concerned for his subordinates.

You may have noticed a 2012 obituary for Betty Cunningham.  It was not an errant posting.  Mike Fehr, our PBA birthday cake procurer, and I have been updating the monthly birthday list of members not previously noted.  After some searching, her birth month of September was located and she was added.

Thank you all who communicated your concerns and best wishes to Nancy Becknall as she progresses through her treatment.  Chaplain Jim Becknall has always answered the bell for the PD family; now it is our turn to give Nancy and Jim have our unequivocal support many times over.

Many thanks to Leroy Pyle for his efforts to put out the Farsider.  The fodder provided by members near and far is most appreciated; please keep the photos and shared articles coming.  I strongly believe in maintaining the camaraderie alive, despite the prevailing negative sentiment for law enforcement; it will not break our spirits!

I close on an upbeat note; a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a most optimistic Happy New to the women and men who continue to handle the day-to-day police and fire duties and the support staff and communications

personnel that are very much an integral piece of the large puzzle.  To the retirees and PBA members, I add a heartfelt Thank You for your time of service!

Take care all and be safe,

Ernie Alcantar

PBA President

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