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January Birthdays

Amaral, Mike

Babineau, Cheryl

Bernardo, Guy

Christie, Kenn

Clifton, Craig

Daulton, Rich

DeMers, Don

Dooley, Jeff

Dotzler, Jenny

Dwyer, Pat

Esparza, John

Fazo, Dave

Fehr, Mike

Ferla, Al

Garino, Ken

Heiken, Al (Deceased)

Hendrix, Dave

Hill, Louie

Low, John

Lucarotti, Jim

Lundberg, Larry

Malcom, Roger (Deceased)

Mason, Bill

Mattos, Bill (Deceased)

Nunes, Joe

Reid, Fred

Reuter, Larry

Royal, Russ (Deceased)

Russell, Stan

Smith, Ron (Deceased)

Spangenberg, Hal

Spence, Jim

Spitz, Randall
Stefanini, Mario (Deceased)

Tietgens, Rich

Villagrana, Manny

Weidner, Dave

Wiskell, Bill (Deceased)

February  Birthdays

1   Adams, Gene (Deceased)

2   Alcantar, Ernie

3   Baxter, Jack

4   Bowen, Gordy

5   Brocato, Dominic

6   Carlton, Jim

7   Christiansen, Rich

8   Confer, Rick

9   Destro, Tony

10 Flory, Dave (Deceased)

Fryslie, Kevin

11 Hernandez, Rudy

12 Howell, Jim

13 Ingraham, George

14 Jackson, Curtis

15 Johnson, Mardy

16 Jurado, Manny

17 Keith, Gary

18 Lail, Hal (Deceased)

19 Le, Thang

20 Lobach, Bob

21 Luca, Dennis

22 Moudakas, Terry

23 Padilla, George

24 Pearce, Jim

25 Reyes, Moises Jr.

26 Schmidt, Paul

27 Weir, Tony

28 Wheatley, Tom

29 Yules, Ken

March Birthdays

Aguilar, Pete

Alvarez, Dave (Deceased)

Bailey, Bill (Deceased)

Belleci, Ron

Bermudes, John

Brown, Ernie

Bytheway, Glenn

Cardin, Randy

Carr, John Sr.

Chewey, Robert

Cottrell, Keith

Damon, Alan

Evans, Ron

Habina, Ron

Haff, Jack

Hawkes, Ken

Jeffers, Jim

Leavy, Bill

Lovecchio, Pete

Paredes, Chuck

Pulliam, Norv

Ross, Mike

Smith, Kerry

Strickland, John

Summers, Bob

Trussler, John

VanDyck, Mike (Deceased)

Wendling, Jay

April Birthdays

Albericci, Jerry (Deceased)

Ayoob, Paul

Balelsano, Bob

Battaglia, Nick

Battaglia, Will

Beatie, George

Bell, Bob

Blackmore, Chuck (Deceased)

Caro, Lynne

Comeli, Ivan

Couser, Rich

Davis, Bud

DeGeorge, Bob

Dini, Paul

Efegenio, Mark

Frazier, Rich

Gisburne, Bob

Gonzalez, Roberto

Hale, Don

Harris, Dale

Kosovilka, Bob

Kregel, John

Mattocks, Michael

McGuire, Pat

Meade, Don

Montano, Wil

Ouimet, Jeff

Pinck, Greg

Porter, John

Quinn, John

Ramon, Cha Cha

Realyvasquez, Armando

Robinson, Walt

Ross, Joe

Salerno, Paul (Deceased)

Santos, Bill

Savala, John

Schenini, Joanne

Silvers, Jim

Utz, Ron (Deceased)

Wedlow, Dean

Williams, Jodi

Williams, Rick


May Birthdays

Alexander, Bruce

Blackstock, Carroll

Cadenasso, Rich (Deceased)

Chamness, Hank

Cook, John

Cortez, Darrell

DeCock, Gabby

Ellsworth, Larry

Emery, Lou (Deceased)

Erfurth, Bill

Gardner, Paul

Handa, Mitch

Hughes, Gary (Deceased)

Kocina, Ken (Deceased)

Kubo, Vince

McCall, George

McCready, Tom

McCulloch, Allen

Otter, Larry

Petersen, Bruce (Deceased)

Powers, Bill

Punneo, Norm

Pyle, Leroy

Raymond, Greg

Seaman, Scott

Silva, Bill

Tenant, Ed (Deceased)

Tomas, Christina

Usoz, Steve

Vasquez, Dan

Vasquez, Daniel

Vasquez, Ted

Waggoner, Bill

Witmer, Dave

Wright, Doug (Deceased)

June Birthdays

1   Ady, Robert

2   Aguirre, Jim

3   Anthony, Tom

4   Becknall, Jim (Chaplain)

5   Bridgen, Dave (Chaplain/Deceased)

6   Browning, Robert

7   Caro, Bert

8   Cossey, Kent (Deceased)

9   Fox, Mike Jr. (Assoc. Member)

10 Garringer, Roy (Deceased)

11 Graves, Pete

12 Grigg, Bruce

13 Givin, Wilbur (Wil) (Deceased)

14 Gurley, Rich (Deceased)

15 Harmon, Paul

16 Hirata, Gary

17 Johnson, Tom (Deceased)

18 Kingsley, Fred (Deceased)

19 Korver, Greg

20 McTeague, Dan (Deceased)

21 Miller, Rollie (Deceased)

22 Morrill, Greg

23 Morris, Jack

24 Nagengast, Tom (Deceased)

25 Payton, George (Deceased)

26 Robison, Manoh

27 Salvi, Pete

28 Schriefer, Hank (Deceased)

29 Shaver, John

30 Sides, Roger

31 St. Amour, Bob

32 Terry, Glenn

33 Unger, Bruce

34 Weesner, Greg

35 Weiser, Rich (Deceased)

36 Welker, Jessica

37 Wells, Bill

38 Wilson, Neal

39 Wolf, Jeff

July Birthdays

1   Allen, Bob

2   Bacigalupi, Dave

3   Becerra, Manny (Deceased)

4   Bennert, Brian

5   Botar, Rick

6   Cannell, Tom

7   Clark, Bill

8   Comelli, Ivan

9   Davis, Bud

10   Elemen, Armando

11 Flores, Felipe

12 Hosmer, Dewey

13 Keffer, Francis Sr. (Deceased)

14 Kimbrell, Tammy

15 Kleman, Karl

16 Lowry, Mike (Deceased)

17 Mendez, Melquiades (Mike)

18 Metcalfe, Mickey

19 Mitchell, Bill (Deceased)

20 Potter, Pat

21 Raye, Bruce

22 Rice, Lyle

23 Rodgers, Phil

24 Savage, Scott

25 Shannon, Clarence (Deceased)

26 Stangel, Harry

27 Tannehill, Ron

28 Tice, Stan

29 Torres, Gilbert

30 Wagner, Jim

31 Werkema, Jim

32 Windisch, Steve Jr.

August Birthdays

1   Abram, Fred

2   Archie, Dan

3   Boyd, Pat

4   Brasil, Mario

5   Brewer, Tom

6   Bui, Mike

7   Busch, Dennis

8   Byers, Dave

9   Campbell, John

10 Demers, Buck

11 Diehl, John (Deceased)

12 Dishman, Billy

13 Dulong, Dave

14 Esparza, Fred (Deceased)

15 Ewing, Don (Deceased)

16 Fanucchi, Roscoe

17 Galios, Chris

18 Gay, Brian

19 Hahn, Chuck

20 Hazen, Skip

21 Hernandez, Ernie

23 Holser, George

24 Johnson, Craig

25 Johnson, Gary

26 Katz, Dan

27 Kinsworthy, Lloyd

28 Kurz, Eric

29 Lane, Andy

30 Martinez, Karen

31 Mello, Steve (Mt. View/Assoc.)

32 Norton, Phil (Deceased)

33 Pitts, Phil

34 Priddy, Loren

35 Reeves, Curt

36 Rendler, Bill

37 Roberson, Mike

38 Rose, Wendell (Deceased)

39 Roy, Charlie (Deceased)

40 Sanfilippo, Roy (Deceased)

41 Scanlan, Pete

42 Smith, B.T.

September Birthdays

1   Arca, Rich

2   Basilio, Les

3   Bergtholdt, Doug

4   Brockman, Joe (Deceased)

5   Brown, Dennis

6   Cunningham, Betty (Deceased)

7   Delgado, Dave

8   Dolezal, Dennis

9   Edillo-Brown, Margie

10 Farlow, Paul (Deceased)

11 Gaumont, Ron

12 Giorgiani, Joe

13 Grande, Carm

14 Hardpainter, Bob (Deceased)

15 Hendrickson, Dave

16 Jaeger, George

17 Koenig, Heinz

18 Mallet, Bill

19 Marsh, Scott

20 Martinez, Jeremy

21 Montes, Jose

22 Morton, Bruce

23 Oliver, Pete

24 Overstreet, Jim

25 Parrot, Aubrey

26 Schembri, Mike

27 Shuey, Craig

28 Simpson, Terry

29 Sterner, Mike

30 Tietgens, Don

31 Wicker, Joe

October Birthdays

1   Alfano, Phil

2   Alford, Mike

3   Bailey, Rich

4   Bell, Mark

5   Bennett, Nate

6   Biederman, Margie

7   Boyles, John

8   Brahm, Bob

9   Cripe, Rodger

10 Dominguez, Robert

11 Hollars, Bob

12 Hyland, Brian

13 Kensit, John

14 Kneis, Brian

15 Madison, Gary

16 Marcotte, Steve

17 Nunes, Les

18 Papenfuhs, Steve

19 Russel, Russ

20 Ted Sumner

21 Valcazar, Dan

22 Vallecilla, Ernie

23 Weesner, Steve (Deceased)

24 Weston, Tom

25 Yuhas, Dick

26 Zwemke, Doug

November Birthdays

1   Boone, Terry

2   Bullock, Dan

3   Burke, Karol

4   Cavallo, Alan

5  Michael Davis

6  Earnshaw, Joe (Deceased)

7   Estrabao, Dario

8   Guerin, Pete (Deceased)

9   Guido, Jim

10   Harper, Glenn

11 Hildebrandt, Karen

12 Lansdown, Sharon

13 Leong, Ken

14 Linden, Larry

15 McCollum, Daniele

16 Moir, Bob

17 Moorman, Jim

18 Ngo, Phan

19 O’Donnell, Tom

20 Pappalardo, Tony (Deceased)

21 Reinhardt, Bob

22 Rogers, Vince

23 Sims, Bill (Deceased)

24 Smith, Bill (Deceased)

25 Smith, Jerry

26 Thomas, Art

27 Thompson, Gary

28 Wysuph, Dave

December Birthdays

1   Allen, Bryan (Chaplain)

2   Barikimo, Jon

3   Biebel, Phil

4   Borbons, Carl

5   Brookins, Dennis

6   Brown, Charles

7   Buckhout, Craig

8   Carr, John Sr.

9   Christiansen, Bob

10 Cornfield, Scott

11 Finton, Roger (Deceased)

12 Grant, Doug

13 Gwillim, Reese

14 Handforth, Terry

15 Hunter, Dick (Deceased)

16 Jacksteit, Ken

17 Knea, Tim

18 Knopf, Art (Deceased)

19 Lagergren, Fred

Lanctot, Noel

20 LaRault, Gary

21 Lewis, Marv

22Mazzone, Tom

23 McNamara, Joe (Chief/Deceased)

24 Ortega, Dan

25 Percelle, Ralph

26 Polmanteer, Jim

27 1aul, Gary

28 Sauao, Dennis

29 Zenahlik, Tom


SJPD Investigating Traffic Fatality #32

Post Date: 08/19/2024 11:10 AM

Media Advisory


On August 18, 2024, at approximately 10:31 PM, San José Police Department Officers responded to a collision
involving a vehicle and a pedestrian at the intersection of Capitol Expressway and Snell Avenue. The pre-
liminary investigation revealed the following:

A 2003 black Mercedes sedan, occupied by an adult male driver, was traveling northbound on Snell Avenue at the intersection of Capital Expressway on a green signal, when it struck an adult female pedestrian who was crossing eastbound on Snell Avenue in the south crosswalk of the intersection. 

The pedestrian was transported to a local hospital where she succumbed to her injuries and was pronounced deceased. 

This is the 32nd fatal collision and 32nd traffic death of 2024.This is also the 12th pedestrian death of 2024.  

The identity of the victim will be released by the Santa Clara County Coroner’s Office.

Anyone with information on this investigation is urged to contact Detective Leslie #4264 of the San José Police Department’s Traffic Investigations Unit at 4264@sanjoseca.gov or 408-277-4654.

Submit crime tips and remain anonymous by using the P3TIPS mobile app, calling the tip line at (408) 947-STOP, or on www.siliconvalleycrimestoppers.org. If the information you submit leads to an arrest, you are eligible for a cash reward from the Silicon Valley Crime Stoppers Program.

By: Sergeant Jorge Garibay #4218
Authorized by: Sergeant Palmer #3848

SJPD Investigating Traffic Fatality #33

Post Date: 08/19/2024 11:12 AM

Media Advisory


On August 18, 2024, at approximately 9:15 AM, San José Police Department Officers responded to a traffic collision in the area of Jackson Avenue and Bambi Lane involving a vehicle and a bicyclist. The preliminary investigation revealed the following:

A 2019 Chevy Silverado pickup truck, occupied by an adult male driver, was traveling southbound on Jackson Avenue when it struck an adult male bicyclist who was traveling northbound on Jackson Avenue and veered into the southbound lanes.

The bicyclist was transported to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries and stabilized.

At approximately 3:35 PM, the bicyclist succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased.

The driver remained on scene and was cooperative with the investigation.

This is the 33rd fatal collision and 33rd traffic death of 2024. 

The identity of the victim will be released by the Santa Clara County Coroner’s Office.

Anyone with information on this investigation is urged to contact Detective Aldinger #4183 of the San José Police Department’s Traffic Investigations Unit at 4183@sanjoseca.gov or 408-277-4654.

Submit crime tips and remain anonymous by using the P3TIPS mobile app, calling the tip line at (408) 947-STOP, or on www.siliconvalleycrimestoppers.org. If the information you submit leads to an arrest, you are eligible for a cash reward from the Silicon Valley Crime Stoppers Program.

By: Stacie Shih #1559N
Authorized by: Sergeant Palmer #3848

Ronald Reagan Sits Down with Johnny | Carson Tonight Show


7 Innovations That Came Out of World War II

Penicillin vials

It’s often said that wars bring about a wave of innovation — necessity being the mother of invention, as the old adage goes. In reality, that’s not necessarily true. According to some studies, there tends to be a significant decline in inventiveness immediately after the outbreak of a war, followed by a marked surge, the net result being a fairly standard rate of innovation overall. Creation through necessity or even desperation certainly happens, but prosperous, peaceful, and free societies tend to be just as inventive, if not more so.  

Photo credit: valerii vysotkov/ Shutterstock

Duct Tape

In 1943, Vesta Stoudt, an Illinois woman with two sons serving in the U.S. Navy, was working in an ordnance plant when she noticed a problem with the ammunition boxes she was packing. The boxes were sealed with paper tape with a tab to open them, but this tab could easily tear off, leaving soldiers potentially scrambling to open the boxes in life-threatening situations. So, Stoudt came up with the idea of a waterproof fabric tape with which to seal the boxes — an idea she sent to none other than President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Impressed, the President sent her letter to the War Production Board, which soon came up with what we now know as duct tape. Not only was it easy to apply and remove on ammo boxes, but it also turned out to be endlessly handy for quickly repairing military equipment, including vehicles and weapons. 

Photo credit: zef art/ Shutterstock


The fundamental principle underlying modern radar (which is actually an acronym for “radio detection and ranging”) was first observed in 1886 by physicist Heinrich Hertz, who found that electromagnetic waves could be reflected from various objects. It was during World War II, however, that modern, practical radar was developed. Britain had already established a chain of radar stations along its south and east coasts by the outbreak of the war, allowing for the detection of enemy aircraft at a range of 80 miles. The British then invented the cavity magnetron in 1940, paving the way for far more compact, powerful, and sensitive radar units (and, as it happens, microwave ovens). 

Watch “[Top 5] Funny Animal Commercials Ever on TV – Funniest and Crazy Animals”


The mere mention of the CIA brings with it a certain mystique,
conjuring up images of secret agents, globe-trotting spies, and clandestine activities.

“Part 4 | dog mom approved #dogs #dogcomedy #dating”



About Us » Inside SJPD
News & Announcements

SJPD AIR 3 Utilizes Certified Training to Rescue Hiker
Post Date:08/20/2024 9:50 AM
Media Advisory

On August 10, 2024, at approximately 4:09 PM, the San José Police Department AIR 3 assisted the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office in rescuing a stranded and injured hiker in the area of San Antonio Valley Road.

Around 8:30 AM, a 75-year-old male victim fell over one hundred feet off a rocky cliff while hunting in the area. After failing to return from the hunt, the victim’s friends called the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office at approximately 12:00 PM to report a missing person.

The victim was spotted by his friend around 2:00 PM and contacted law enforcement. A Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Deputy hiked down and reached the victim around 4:00 PM and requested air support.

AIR 3 responded to the scene and extricated the victim through heavy tree cover out of the creek to a clear area where a life-flight medical transport helicopter that was incapable of conducting the extraction was awaiting half a mile away.
The victim was transported to a local hospital with injuries that were later determined to be non-life threatening.

SJPD would like to thank the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office for their quick response and collaboration with SJPD AIR 3 to locate and transport the victim to safety.

The primary purpose of the Air Support Unit (ASU) is to provide aerial services for units within the San José Police Department and other agencies within the County of Santa Clara.

XPLOSIVE: Man completely destroys the left, the Democratic Party and policies.
Why he left and will never ever return. VIEW HERE

Biden committed ‘impeachable conduct,’ ‘defrauded United States to enrich his family’: House GOP report

House Oversight, Judiciary, Ways and Means committees have led impeachment inquiry against Biden. VIEW HERE





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