The August Breakfast/Brunch gathering met at Toyon/Mckee.

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 Ernie Alcantar, President     Curtis Jackson, Vice President

 Cindy Buell, Treasurer                               Sgt. at Arms (Vacant)

             Ken Jacksteit, Editor
Mattos Mail Bag!
Hello all,

The August Breakfast/Brunch gathering met at Toyon/Mckee.

Terry Handforth, Dan Archie, Susan Annino, Bill Santos, Ted Vasquez, George Padilla,
Jaime Saldivar, Steve Caraway, Bob Lobach, Jim Spence, Mark Bell, Craig Clifton, Jerry Smith, Ernie Alcantar, Bud LoMonaco
Not pictured: Phil Rodgers, Jim Lucarotti

Phil Rodgers, Jim Lucarotti, Bud LoMonaco, Jerry Smith

Terry Handforth, Dan Archie, Susan Annino

Bill Santos, Ted Vasquez, George Padilla

Bob Lobach, Jim Spence, Mark Bell

George Padilla, Jaime Saldivar, Steve Caraway

Craig Clifton, Jerry Smith

Bob Lobach, Dan Archie


Attached are several reminders of upcoming events:

Camp Hoosegow, August 3rd & 4th


Ofc. Richard Huerta #47 annual memorial, August 6th



13th Annual Police Amateaur Athletic Foundation (PAAF) poker tournament, August 8th


PBA Sgt. Lee Wilson Annual BBQ and monthly meeting, August 21st

Please RSVP if you plan on attending and email VP Curtis Jackson ( for the room block at La Quinta Inn

San Jose Police Emerald Society Annual Fundraiser, September 7th


Chaplaincy Golf Tournament, September 9th

Thank you,

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President

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