Mattos Mail Bag!

Hello all,The Keith Kelley Club annual BBQ, in honor of Ofc. Mike Katherman was held this past Wednesday at the San Jose Historical Museum.
There was a good turn out of active and retired members.
Many thanks to those who braved the heat to grill up the fare and to the servers, notably Tom and Diane Katherman.
Two early reminders;
The annual PBA members’ BBQ in honor of Sgt. Lee Wilson will be at the POA Hall on Wednesday, August 21st.
Plan early to attend and please RSVP to Treasurer Larry Lundberg at so he may order up plenty of steaks.
Vice President Curtis Jackson is inquiring locally about room rates for those coming out of the area and looking to spend a night.
More information will be posted as it is confirmed.
The 16th Chaplaincy Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, September 9th.
It has been a sell out in previous years.

Jorge Gonzalez, Frank Portillo, Wil Montano, Pat Boyd, Enrique Marquez
Bill Lara, Tina Hyland, Guy Bernardo, Larry Lundberg
Russ Bense, Joey McDonald, Acting Asst. Chief Brandon Sanchez, Robin Joseph,
Bob Finnie
Louis Hill, Scott Savage, Ken Tanaka, Gil Vizzusi, Tony Vizzusi, Ken Jacksteit
Mike Fox, John Carr Sr, Margie Thompson, Brian Hyland
Bill Santos, Rudy Hernandez, Jim Wagner, Curtis Jackson, George Padilla, Dan Archie
Leandra Flores, Felipe Flores, Tony Rodriguez, Rene Retuta, Craig Clifton
Peggy Vallecilla, Russ Bense, Tony Rodriguez, unk, Bea Franco
Jim Spence, Pete Scanlan, Gordie Bowen, Dave Wilson, Mike Obrien, Mark Alvares
Sgt. John Marfia and BBQ team
Wil Montano, DJs Robert and Ron Payne
Mike Sterner, Pete Ramirez
Rick Mizgorski, Vito Maletta
Scott Savage, Gordie Bowen
Roberto Gonzalez
Doug Boales, Kerry Smith
Rick Mizgorski, Raul Martinez Jr.
Gordie Bowen, Pete Scanlan
Jim Werkema
Rene Retuta, Ernie Hernandez
Fred Lagergren, Dave Dulong
Brian Kneis, Res. Ofc. Kelvin Pham, Phil Biebel
Rick Mizgorski, Vic Rodriguez
Anau Pulu, Lt. John Carr Jr.
Chaplain Bryan and Marlene Allen
Please ensure the PBA has your correct contact information. Address updates may be sent to:
Larry Lundberg, or Ken Jacksteit,
As always; if you may have a question, concern, comment or would like to reach out, my email is:
Ernie Alcantar
PBA President