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While “safe and sane” fireworks — including sparklers, smokeballs and noisemakers — are legal in many cities throughout California, projectile and explosive fireworks are illegal everywhere in the state.

So, unless you have a connection in Chinatown, best to find a roof top to view one of the many commercially sponsored displays for the grandkids!

 Ernie Alcantar, President     Curtis Jackson, Vice President

 Larry Lundberg, Treasurer    Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arms

             Ken Jacksteit, Editor
Mattos Mail Bag!

Hello all, 

Friendly reminders:

PBA meeting this month on Wednesday the 17th; doors open at 5.

Keith Kelley BBQ, July 10th, San Jose Historical Museum

Bourbon and BBQ Chaplaincy Fundraiser, July 13th POA Hall

The monthly breakfast/brunch gathering was held a day early due to Independence Day tomorrow.

Treasurer Larry Lundberg pointed out the presence of over 500 years of Law Enforcment experience as we celebrate 248 years of Independence.

Enjoy the day with your friends, families and loved ones.

The July Breakfast/Brunch gathering.

Left to Right
Phil Rodgers, Susan Annino, Jim Wagner, Steve Mello, Wil Montano, Curtis Jackson,
Armando Realyvasquez, Ted Vasquez, George Padilla, Jaime Saldivar, John Quinn, Jim Spence, Terry Handforth, Bill Santos, Steve Caraway, Larry Lundberg, Craig Clifton, Bud LoMonaco,
Louis Hill, Ernie Alcantar, Pat Dwyer, Dave Wysuph

Steve Mello, Wil Montano, Curtis Jackson, Armando Realyvasquez

Steve Caraway, Larry Lundberg, Craig Clifton, Bud LoMonaco

Ted Vasquez, George Padilla, Jaime Saldivar, John Quinn

Phil Rodgers, Susan Annino, Jim Wagner

Terry Handforth, Bill Santos, Steve Caraway, Larry Lundberg

Jaime Saldivar, John Quinn, Jim Spence

Louis Hill, Pat Dwyer, Dave Wysuph

Thank you,

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President 

Who raised Joe Biden to lack character and morality? Mark Levin has the answer.

Joe Biden lacks character” and “a moral basis,” says Mark Levin.

But you already knew that.

What you might not know, however, is who raised our president to be this way. We’re not talking about his familial lineage, though. We’re talking about the people who molded him into the man we fervently pray doesn’t win a second term.

“Joe Biden was raised essentially in the United States Senate,” where it’s customary to “wheel and deal,” “propagate arguments,” and “use rhetoric” to push agendas, says Mark Levin.

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