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A 67-year-old man and his grandson were riding on a bus heading downtown to go to the movies, when a young punk girl got on…

She had spiked, multi-colored hair that was green, purple, and orange.

Her clothes were a tattered mix of leather and rags, her legs were bare, and she was wearing worn-out shoes…

Her entire face and body were riddled with pierced jewelry.

She sat down in the only vacant seat that was directly across from the man…

The man raised an eyebrow and stared at the girl.

Finally, the girl got self-conscious and barked, “What are you looking at you old fart?! … “

“Didn’t you ever do anything wild when you were young?”

Without missing a beat, the man replied, “Yeah… “

“Back when I was in the Navy, I got really drunk one night in Singapore and slept with a parrot… “

“I thought maybe you were my daughter.”

Why Is the Letter “X” Used for a Kiss?

The origins of “X” being associated with a kiss can be traced back to the Middle Ages. In an era when literacy rates were low and formal education was a rare privilege, people who couldn’t write would sign documents with an “X” instead of their name. When people signed with an “X,” it wasn’t merely a mark; it was a symbol that carried the weight of an oath. To validate their intentions and their “signature,” people were also known to kiss the “X.” 

How the letter “X” transitioned from a kiss in the name of sincerity to a kiss of romance or affection isn’t clear. The Oxford English Dictionary traces the earliest known use of that meaning to a 1763 letter by British naturalist Gilbert White. In the letter, White signs off, “I am, with many a xxxxxxx and many a Pater noster and Ave Maria, Gil White.” This interpretation, however, has been challenged: Stephen Goranson, a researcher at Duke University, instead suggests that the “X” likely represented blessings, not kisses, given its use alongside religious phrases such as “Ave Maria.” Indeed, an “X” was historically used as a symbol of the Christian cross. “X” is also the first letter in the Greek word for Christ, Χριστός — hence the well-known abbreviation for Christmas, “Xmas.” 

Some linguists suggest an 1894 letter from Winston Churchill to his mother demonstrated a pioneering use of the letter “X” as a symbol for a kiss. The letter reads, “Please excuse bad writing as I am in an awful hurry. (Many kisses.) xxx WSC.” But in additional research, Goranson uncovered other uses of “X” as a symbol for a kiss as early as 1880. An even earlier example dates back to 1878. In Florence Montgomery’s novel Seaforthshe describes letters ending with “the inevitable row of kisses; sometimes expressed by x x x x x, and sometimes by o o o o o.” Marcel Danesi, a professor of linguistic anthropology and author of The History of the Kiss!: The Birth of Popular Culture, suggested the association began earlier. He wrote that as the Renaissance era saw an increase of secularism, and with the 18th-century rise of the concept of romantic love, the symbolic “X” gradually expanded beyond its initial utilitarian function to become a gesture of affection.


Subject: D Day Landing

This is the most spectacular presentation of photos and descriptive text I’ve ever seen on the D-Day landing! It truly is a miracle the allies prevailed. It’s hard to believe that allied planners were able to adequately estimate the number of troops, supplies, and equipment that would be required to make this operation successful.

The planning and immensity of the “D Day Landing” just boggles the mind;

the scenes show many phases of the operation.  I could not get over the C-47 loaded with US Paratroopers and each with “shined boots” !  Some amazing photographs for history buffs….WW2 Normandy Landing photos that have been declassified recently.

We cannot… and should not forget their sacrifice!  Very rare photos!





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