Hello all,A couple of announcements…

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 Ernie Alcantar,
 Curtis Jackson,
Vice President
Larry Lundberg, Treasurer   Cindy Buell,
Sgt. at Arms
  Jacksteit, Editor



Mattos Mail Bag!

Hello all,A couple of announcements were recieved for upcoming events.

Active Sgt. Tom Moreno and California Narcotic Officers’ Association (CNOA) member, provided the following:

A country music concert fundraiser will be held at the Estate of The Wood Family Vineyard in Livermore.  We are raising money for the Survivors Memorial Fund (SMF).

SMF is a fund through the CNOA that provides financial assistance within 48 hours to the loved ones of a fallen officer in the State of California.

Our SJPD fallen have received support from the fund; I presented grants on behalf of the CNOA to the families of Officers Michael Johnson and Michael Katherman.

I have been a member of CNOA for 29 years (Lifetime Member) and a board member for 19 years.

I am currently the Region 1 Chairman and the Wood Family are long time friends of mine.

They are pro-police and very supportive of law enforcement.  They have always been supportive of our fundraising efforts for our SJPD Chaplaincy and CNOA.

Tom added that the golf ball coin markers are still available for purchase.


Margie Thompson of the Keith Kelley Club sent in the flyer for the upcoming annual BBQ on July 10th.

Thank you.

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President

One thought on “Hello all,A couple of announcements…

  1. You Bozos … it is Keith Kelly bbq….. Get it!!! I guess that that there is no reason for history or traditions!!!

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