It is with great sadness that I report the death of Stephanie Mozley, Ron’s wife.

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Hello all,

The following message was provided by retired Ofc. Pete Salvi:

It is with great sadness that I report the death of Stephanie Mozley, Ron’s wife.
Following his death approx. two years ago, she moved from Idaho to Oregon to raise horses again.
John Kensit, Mike Fehr and myself kept constant contact with Stephanie; she was finally in a good place.
A week ago, she lost her footing, fell down a flight of stairs and suffered a fatal injury.
We will miss them both and pray for everlasting peace.

Ernie Alcantar

PBA President

3 Thoughts on “It is with great sadness that I report the death of Stephanie Mozley, Ron’s wife.

  1. Good people. Worked for years with Ron in TEU and they were both at our wedding. So sad. Thank you for the update.

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