Mattos Mail Bag!
Hello all,
A couple of items were received after the memorial for Lt. Rich Saito:
A group shot of academy mates.

Dan Valcazar, Santiago Trejo, Ken Tanaka, A.J. Young
Retired Ofc. Tim Knea #1991 offered some thoughts about Rich:
Thank you for the good send off. Rich was a great man, father and especially fair and good natured Cop.
I met Rich in 1973 when I was going to pour my motorcycle oil into our storm drain. He started to read me the riot act, as he should.
Never told me he was a cop; then took the time to explain the ramification if he called.
Instead he threatened to tell my Dad (Santa Clara County Deputy Sheriff). When I became a Reserve Officer, he was one of the regular guys I rode with.
We crossed paths from time to time especially when he went to MERGE ‘The Golden Ticket.’
I didn’t see much of him when I went to Merge. He was leaving after working with Brian Kneis.
He will be respected and missed…….”I never emptied my oil again”
Active Sgt. Tom Moreno #3454 provided an announcement of the sale of a challenge coin golf ball marker.
Attached is a photo, description of the coin and how to order one if you may be interested in purchasing a marker for your golf game or collection.
Lastly, I wanted to pass on that some retirees have received an email invitation with a green envelope and titled ‘Punchbowl’.
While Punchbowl does exist online, apparently, the ones going out are requesting you to log into the invitation to open it.
Please be wary should you receive one.
Click on this link for further details:
How Do I Know if the Punchbowl Invitation or Card I Received is Real or Spam?
Thank you,
Ernie Alcantar
PBA President