RIP Anthony Beckwith #1458

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Abit late, but…. It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the loss of retired Officer Anthony Beckwith #1458k. We recently learned he away December 11, 2023.


Ray Storms


2 Thoughts on “RIP Anthony Beckwith #1458

  1. Wow, What a Shock, I must be getting old, I remember water skiing in the Delta with Tony, Mad Man Madison and a few Females that wouldn’t wear their tops while Skiing. Oh the memories, Where has the time gone??? Ken Williamson 1536,” the perfect 36 in SanJose” ( that was Carol DoDa’s sign off in the 80’s) Sorry to hear about Tony, all you Old Guys hang in there and have fun while you can . See you at one of the Weds functions. Later Ken

    1. Ken, great memories of getting off of work (midnight shift) & all of us following each other to the delta. You, Mad Dog, Chuckie Cheese Lintern, Phillips, a bunch of us and of course Tony “Blondie” Beckwith.
      Great memories for ever.

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