We will update you on any upcoming services.

Thank you,
PBA President
Sheriff D. Clarke says it best!
It’s not the police who need to be retrained, it’s the public. We have grown into a mouthy, mobile phone wielding, vulgar, unciv…il society with no personal responsibility and the attitude of ‘it’s the other person’s fault’, ‘you owe me’. A society where children grow up with no boundaries or knowledge or concern for civil society and personal responsibility.
When an officer says “Put your hands up,” then put your hands up! Don’t reach for something in your pocket, your lap, your seat. There’s plenty of reason for a police officer to feel threatened, there have been multiple assaults and ambushes on police officers lately. Comply with requests from the officer, have your day in court. Don’t mouth off, or fight, or refuse to comply… that escalates the situation.
Police officers are our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. They’re black, white, brown, all colours, all ethnicities, all faiths, male and female, they are us. They see the worst side of humanity… the raped children, the bloody mangled bodies of traffic victims, the bruised and battered victims of domestic violence, homicide victims, body parts… day after day.
They work holidays while we have festive meals with our families. They miss school events with their kids, birthdays, anniversaries, all those special occasions that we take for granted. They work in all types of weather, under dangerous conditions, for relatively low pay.
They have extensive training, but they are human. When there are numerous attacks on them, they become hyper vigilant for a reason, they have become targets. When a police officer encounters any person… any person, whether at a traffic stop, a street confrontation, an arrest, whatever… that situation has the potential to become life threatening. You, Mr & Mrs/Miss Civilian, also have the responsibility of keeping the situation from getting out of control.
Many law enforcement officers are Veterans. They’ve been in service to this nation most of their lives, whether on the battlefield or protecting us here at home. They are the only thing that stands between us and anarchy in the streets.
If you want to protect your child, teach them respect.
Starbucks’ insane justification for firing these employees will make your head explode
Almost every major corporation has completely bent its knee to the woke left-wing outrage mob.
Executives today are afraid of their own shadows.
And Starbucks’ insane justification for firing these employees will make your head explode.
Funny Joke: 🍗 Chicken to Go

Have you ever tried to catch a fog?
I tried yesterday but I mist.
How to make the perfect pancake this Shrove Tuesday
Editor’s Note:
Shrove Tuesday (also known as Mardi Gras, Pancake Tuesday or Pancake Day) is the final day of Carnival or Shrovetide, marking the end of pre-Lent. Lent begins the following day with Ash Wednesday. It is observed in many Christian countries through participating in confession and absolution, the ritual burning of the previous year’s Holy Week palms, finalizing one’s Lenten sacrifice, as well as eat… Wikipedia
OMG, President Trump just released the funniest campaign commercial ever VIEW HERE
Illegal migrants reportedly escaping NYC to California could be eligible for numerous free benefits. Starting Jan. 1, illegal migrants were eligible to receive free health care benefits, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced. FULL STORY HERE
SOUND FAMILIAR? We know they are lyingThey know they are lyingWe know that they know that we know they are lying.And still… they continue to lie. CHECK OUT WHAT THE BODYGUARD IS CARRYING HERE
The Gipper’s Humor
The Super Bowl Will Again Feature Two ‘National Anthems’
This coming Sunday, at the most widely viewed sporting event in America, the Super Bowl, the National Football League will feature the singing of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” the song first known as the “Negro national anthem” and now known as the “black national anthem.”In order to ensure that those present at the game and the more than 100 million people watching on television cannot avoid hearing it, the “black national anthem” will, according to the schedule I have seen, be played after the actual national anthem of the United States. If that is the case, this will presumably be done in order to also ensure that everyone is still standing when it is sung. The NFL probably fears that some of those attending the game — specifically, those who possess two increasingly rare traits: love of America and courage — might not rise for the “black national anthem.” But if they were already standing for the national anthem, few will sit when the “black national anthem” is then sung. The NFL doesn’t want a repeat of what occurred at last year’s Super Bowl in Arizona, when, as ABC News reported, “Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake went viral in 2023 for remaining seated during a performance of the song at Super Bowl LVII.” Last year, the “black national anthem” was played prior to the national anthem.
How destructive a decision performing the “black national anthem” at sporting events is — whether before or after the national anthem — can be summarized this way: Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, is among the few Americans of whom it will one day be said that he seriously damaged America. In 2021, the Washington Times noted, “Under Roger Goodell, the NFL has gone far beyond the kneeling; it’s doubling down on ‘social justice.’ In addition to painting more slogans in the end zones and on players’ helmets, the League will be donating $250 million to Black Lives Matter and other activist groups to ‘combat systemic racism and support the battle against the ongoing and historical injustices faced by African-Americans.'” READ MORE HERE
This Isn’t A Third World Country, An Apocalypse Didn’t Happen, A Nuclear Warhead Didn’t Detonate…. This Is Democrat Run Oakland, California “Of all the bad places I’ve been to inthe United States, I don’t know if I’ve ever been to a city that’s as vastly rundown, abandoned, and out of control as Oakland, California. This is the side of town where most of the homeless camps are located. Some look like something you’d see in Haiti, lean to shacks made of recovered junk that serve as 4 walls and a roof but that’s just about it. Other areas just outside of downtown are home to 100 of people camped out in makeshift shannies among piles of trash with rats. Parts of West Oakland don’t even look like the United States.” HERETHIS IS A SEGMENT OF AN EMAIL I RECEIVED FROM MY GOOD BUDDY ROLAND….I HOPE HE DOESN’T MIND MY SHARING IT.
I went to see my regular doctor at the VA and there was unexplainable weirdness in the air.
The wait was longer than usual, but he eventually came in and apologized for the delay.
He shared with me a dilemma they were facing.
It seems there are laws that indicate severe punishment for VA doctors that “refuse service”
to any veteran. The reasons are clear, at least on the surface.The dilemma they were dealing with was a “transitioned” veteran who insisted on getting
a PAP smear. He still had his original equipment.The Chief of the VA, (a non-medical person) was called for an opinion and advice.
He was obviously unfamiliar with female health and anatomy and refused to comment
because he didn’t see the problem.I told him to use a tiny pair of forceps after a couple of sprays with liquid nitrogen to get them to about -1200 degrees.
Strap the SOB into the stirrups and tell him to “hang on, it’s gonna be a wild ride”.I thought my doctor was going to pee his pants from laughing so hard.
I don’t want a Black History month
This 2005 clip from the great Morgan Freeman resonates more now than ever before…as he clearly states why he does NOT want a black history month. Hard to argue with his reasoning (and hysterical to watch Mike Wallace’s reaction) “Black history is American history”CLICK HEREThe Reality Behind Biden’s Plan to Legalize 11 Million Immigrants – The New York Times
I’M glad he wasn’t a stool pigeon. He did his time.
Pigeon suspected of spying released after eight months
A pigeon suspected of spying for China was released from captivity after Indian officials had detained it.Read in CBS News: https://apple.news/A-fHXLe6bQaS0meVw2SOiIA Blue state diverted $340M in federal COVID funds to illegal immigrants via $1,000 checks
STORY AND VIDEO HERESenate passes controversial foreign aid bill sending billions to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan
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Love at first sight
How the southern invasion works
The Sobering Truth of the Border – A MUST WATCH
Trump Solo… His favorite song…
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I have not seen a single one… Have you?

Embarrassing cubed
Cops Snatch Gun from a Snatch !Stolen weapon found during search at Tennessee jail
Loaded Gun hidden In suspect’s Vagina:
APRIL 22–A 19-year-old Tennessee woman had a loaded handgun hidden in her vagina when she was brought into jail yesterday afternoon following a collar for driving with a suspended license, police report.
As Dallas Archer was being booked into the Kingsport jail, a female corrections officer alerted to an “unknown object” in the teenager’s crotch during a search.
The jailer and a female cop then accompanied Archer to a bathroom for further examination, a review that led to the recovery of a “North American Arms 22 LR revolver (loaded) which Ms. Dallas had concealed in her vagina, ”according to a Kingsport Police Department report.
A subsequent check revealed that the five-shot mini-revolver–which is four inches in length–had been “stolen from an auto burglary in 2013.” The handgun, which police valued at $250, is owned by John Souther, a 70-year-old retired car salesman.
In a TSG interview, Souther said that the gun was taken from his 1994 Mustang, which was “ransacked” last year while parked in his Kingsport carport. Souther said that police told him that the revolver had been recovered but offered no further details. When told where the gun had been stashed, Souther said, “Oh, gosh.” He noted that he would eventually like “the little fellow” returned but added that the weapon would require “a bath in bleach.”
News of the weapon in Archer’s vagina was first reported by the Kingsport Times-News.
Archer, seen in the mug shot, was charged with gun possession, and introducing contraband into a penal facility.
According to a jail official, Archer was released from custody after posting $6000 bond.
1. I thought it was her gun. Turns out it was snatched!
2. Gives new meaning to a gun having a “hair trigger”.
3. Happiness is a warm gun?
4. At four inches in length it comes off as halfcocked…
5. “For sale: a 22LR never used; still in the box.”
6. Report reads, “…Introducing contraband into a penal facility.” Shouldn’t that be ‘penile’ facility?
7. If it went off, could you call it her ‘boom box’?8. Remember : Every vagina is to be treated as if it is loaded. Always keep it pointed in a safe direction.9. They say it was a gun, but something smells fishy.
10. You can have my gun when you can pry it from my cold, stinking…
11. Oh my… accident waiting to happen. Could ‘shoot the beaver’.
12. I have heard of shooting your mouth off, but this takes on a “hole” new meaning…
13. Complete reversal on the classic, “Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?”
14. I wonder if she had ‘gun-areah’?
15. Gives a whole new meaning to “Vaginal Discharge”…
16. Do you suppose she had a ‘rectal reloader’?
17. A gun in hand is worth 2 in the bush?
18. Figures.. it uses ‘rim shot’ ammo.
19. This supports the “Big Bang Theory.”
Political Correctness Wednesday
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