AORSJPOFF Christmas Luncheon and POA Open House Photos

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Russ Russell commented on The Keith Kelley Club annual Christmas Dinner/Dance:


With that in mind, here are some more familiar faces courtesy of Ernie and the PBA:

Hello all, 

The Association of Retired San Jose Police Officers and Firefighters held their annual Christmas Luncheon last week.
Thank you Craig Clifton for providing photos of the event.

D9 Council Member Pam Foley, President Ray Storms, D4 Council Member David Cohen,
D8 Council Member Domingo Candelas, D3 Council Member Omar Torres

Rosa Butts, Gunther Riedel, Ken Jacksteit, Tracy Deitschman

Kicking off the luncheon

Time to eat

Retirement Services folks

Gary Johnson, Larry Lundberg, George Padilla

Don Meade, Ralph Percelle, Ken Jacksteit, Jeremy Martinez, Rosa Butts, John Carrillo, 
Henry Duran, Gunther Riedel, Guy Bernardo, Tom O’Donnell

Jim Spence

Rich Saito

John Shuman

Mike and Jan Alford

Drawing winner Rosa Butts

POA Open House
The San Jose POA also held their annual Open House later in the day.

Dep.Chief Brian Shab, Ernie Alcantar, Asst. Chief Paul Joseph, Chief Anthony Mata

Chaplain Jim and Nancy Becknall, Kristin and Pete Salvi, Mike Alford

POA Board; Anthony Kilmer, Dave Woolsey, President Steve Slack, Gina Barajas,
Robert Labarbera, Ryan Ferguson, Kat Alvarez

Jeff Martin, Ken Jacksteit, Danny Vasquez, Bill Clark

Buck DeMers, Brian Bennert

D7 Councilman Bien Doan, Glenn Harper, Ernie Alcantar

Patricia Jaime (D.A. Inv.), Ofc. Saul Duran, Ofc. Matty Hrncir

Ernie Hernandez, Rene Retuta, Dave Wysuph & son, Mike Mendez, Phil Rodgers

Tom & Diane Katherman

Danny Vasquez, Jim Wagner

Mark Garcia (Ret.S.O.), Darrell Cortez

Craig Clifton, Ernie Hernandez, Mike Mendez, D10 Councilman Arjun Batra, Rene Retuta

Larry Lundberg

POA Front Office Nicole Decker, Lula Arredondo

Marlene and Chaplain Bryan Allen

Guy Bernardo, Paul Cook

Cindy Buell, Helen Vasquez

Rich Fong, Don DeMers

Gina Barajas, Roberto Gonzalez

Ofc. Brandon Scholten, Patricia Jaime, Lt. Jenny Biebel, Paul Cook, Lt. Paul Hamblin,
Veronica Posada

Frank Portillo, Gabriela & Wil Montano, Jerry Smith

Kerry Smith, Steve Caraway

Danny Vasquez, Glenn Harper, Alex Paz

Gilbert Torres, Phil Rodgers, Steve Slack

POA Memorial Tree

On behalf of the PBA and the board members we wish all a great Christmas/Holiday and a Happy New Year!
Thank you,

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President 

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6 Thoughts on “AORSJPOFF Christmas Luncheon and POA Open House Photos

  1. Being gone from SJPD for 45 yrs and being an old fart my brain cells are slipping. Again thanks for the pictures and the names. Still here in Kansas and it is still flat….and cold. Going to have to bring in the brass monkeys next week.

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