Good & Welfare: Chaplain Bryan Allen

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SJPD Chaplain Bryan Allen was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. The doctors ran a series of tests which showed, among other things, an inflamed pancreas, and several large gallstones. Bryan underwent surgery to remove his gall bladder as his doctors think that the other problems may be linked to his gallbladder and will be rectified by surgery.

We’re pleased to report that his doctor believes the surgery went very well. The prayer now is for pain management right now so he can get up to walk and get things moving, which is an important milestone for recovery.

The family is asking for NO VISITORS at this time. However, if you wish to get him a message, you can email Association Director Gary Johnson at who is in touch with Bryan’s family.

Chaplain Bryan has been looking out for us over the past several years. Now, it is our turn to lift him up. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Ray Storms


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