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LE Experts Needed


Martinelli & Associates, Justice & Forensic Consultants, LLC, a nationally renowned forensic investigations and experting firm, is expanding its base staff of 28 law enforcement, forensic and medical experts to add more law enforcement practices and use of force experts to provide forensic services to our growing clientele base. We provide services to federal, state and municipal law enforcement agencies and legal defense teams in federal/state litigation. We also assist  criminal defense attorneys, prosecutors and nationally prominent private law firms specializing in high-profile civil rights and premises liability cases. Our firm also provides forensic services to major insurance companies and corporations throughout the country.
If you are recently retired and have significant experience and certifications in law enforcement practices, forensics, criminal investigations, use of force (all levels), canine, SWAT, CSI, homicide, sexual assault, and accident investigations/reconstruction, we encourage you to contact us.
Expert classification and pay are DOQ and at excellent rates. Work is mostly remotely with travel to scenes for site inspections, depositions and court trials. All expenses paid, excellent administrative support and expert training provided. A great work environment with high-level, motivated LE, forensic and medical professionals.
Please submit a letter of interest with an updated CV to: code3law@martinelliandassoc.com.

Visit our website at www.martinelliandassoc.com.

Forensic Criminologist/Law Enforcement Practices Expert

Certified Medical Investigator
Federal/State Courts Qualified
Martinelli & Associates, Justice & Forensic Consultants, LLC
Texas Office – 316 Hoskins Trail, Boerne, TX 78006
Office: (951) 719-1450
CA Office – 310 S. Maple St., Ste. ‘D’, Corona, CA 92880
Cell – (909) 936-0694
We defend the innocent and speak for the dead.


America’s patriotic integrity is being called into question. In recent news, both the Gadsden Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance, two bold expressions of freedom and independence for the American people, have been opposed, bringing attention to unjustified racial resentment.

Likely, you have been reading news stories about how wearing the Gadsden Flag could be punishable harassment. here’s the real story you need to be reading. HERE



The young woman was a snuff bottle painter.

She had been chosen as one of the vendors to have a stall at the Beijing Olympics.

This practice of painting the inside of bottles started when tobacco was banned but snuff was readily available.

Men carried their snuff in these tiny, flat bottles in their pockets and got it out using a metal tool which scratched the inside of the bottle, making weird designs.

The artist in the video is doing a Chinese art form called Inner painting or inside painting.

This art form involves glass bottles which have pictures and often calligraphy painted on the inside surface of the glass.

The bottles are produced by manipulating a specialized paint brush through the neck of the bottle.

To paint the inside of the bottle, the artist must paint backwards.

Concentration is crucial to make precise strokes.

A skilled artist may complete a simple bottle in a week while something special may take a month or more.

The best craftsmen may only be able to produce 85 bottles in a year.


This is something you should listen to and send to as many people as possible.

Think about this seriously.  The man has a point and states it eloquently.

D.C. swamp judge sentences January 7 defendant to 17 years, pioneering new era of cruel and unusual punishment

Leftist judges, who are notoriously soft on violent crime, are surprisingly game to ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ when the defendant is a low-class right winger.

Which brings us to this judicial travesty from one of the D.C. ruling elites:

Proud Boy Joe Biggs on Thursday was sentenced to 17 years in prison, the second-highest sentence handed down to anyone convicted in connection with the Capitol attack. READ MORE HERE

Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Religious Parents Can’t Opt Kids Out Of Pro-LGBT School Lessons
The collection calls for pre-K students ages 3-5 to read Pride Puppy!, the story of two women who take their children to a “Pride Day” parade. A word list using the letters of the alphabet to show what a child might see includes the words “leather,” “underwear,” and “[drag] queen.” READ FULL STORY HERE

A must watch

Spying Fears After Chinese Nationals Caught Entering U.S. Sites 100+ Times

APPARENTLY, WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE GOOSE IS NOT GOOD FOR THE GANDER….The FBI buried the #BidenLaptop since 2019. What’s on it? Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill that sent millions of people to prison for doing what his son is doing here. https://twitter.com/i/status/1604949841938825216
Hunter’s in the basement with a silver spoon… Ukrainian bribes are going to be there soon…




More Than 3,500 Minors Underwent Transgender Surgery, Study Finds.

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study Wednesday estimating that 48,019 Americans underwent “gender-affirming surgeries” from 2016 to 2020, and 3,678 of them underwent surgery between ages 12 and 18.

In the study, Columbia University researchers estimated that 3,215 of those minors underwent “breast/chest surgery” and 405 of them underwent “genital surgery.” Meanwhile, 350 underwent “other cosmetic procedures.” Read more HERE


For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it’s drawing outrage. Elkins Park in Montgomery County has several synagogues … and one large monument to Nazi collaborators. Many people had no idea it existed until recently.
“ADL Philadelphia rejects any memorialization of Nazi or Nazi-adjacent groups,” Goretsky said in a statement, adding: “We have no objection to the national symbol of Ukraine appearing on any monument; however, we do object to monuments dedicated to Waffen SS soldiers.” There are concerns about this, if interested read more HERE

Tennessee District Attorney Blocked From Enforcing
State Law Shielding Kids From Explicit Performances

“Protecting children from obscene and lewd behavior is not a new idea. We need to let kids be kids, and the state has legal authority to ensure their protection,” South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson said in a news release. MORE HERE

“We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines” VIEW HERE

For our German speaking friends.
You do not need to understand the German language, the conclusion is evident.


Ukrainian Ghost of Kyiv pilot ‘Juice’ among three dead in plane crash: Zelensky
Ukrainian pilot Andrii Pilshchykov, better known by his call-sign “Juice”, who was killed in a mid-air collision involving two combat-training aircrafts on August 25, 2023 in the Zhytomyr region.

Pilschikov was part of the Ghost of Kyiv unit, which defended central and northern Ukraine at the beginning of the war.

He had also campaigned for the supply of F-16s, according to the Air Force.

The Ghost of Kyiv — believed by many to be an urban legend — purportedly downed as many as six Russian planes on the first day of the war’s combat. READ MORE WITH PICTURES HERE

Rumors about the Ghost of Kyiv have gone viral on social media almost from the moment the Russian invasion began on Feb. 24.


Rant #90 something….

The rains have subsided for a moment.  It seems we get the remnants of storms coming onshore in both the east and west.  The wind currents carry the storms to the north and east of us but we get enough of the tail ends to keep the desert blooming.  The cattle graze in grass up to their underside. I am hoping it continues to dry out so I might travel afield.  Travels onto the desert seem to calm and defer the loneliness of being in a new world.  After six years I still remain unacquainted with most locals.  The fact that I have practically no mobility and have recurring bladder issues makes socializing far and remote,  These days, I find myself dreaming of the highlights of years gone by.  The sum total shows that I have had a very fulfilling and interesting sojourn on planet earth.  From a very tender age, it has been my nature to explore and I have done that aplenty.  Thus, I find Utah to be a plethora of antiquities and history of personal industry and dreams come and gone in past years.  I marvel at the industry of those gone before.

My lair, if you will, is small, strong, weather proof and easy to heat or cool as the case might be.  Bemoaning the fact that weeds dominate my acres seems to be my daily past time.  When I attack weeds, it leaves me breathless due to a misfiring heart (A-fib) so they are mostly still standing.  I am quietly seeking a capable person to assist with that chore.  In the Plumas, I wore out weed whackers.  It was a daily ritual and I miss that ability but accept it as part of the plan for me here on earth.  (Pretty easy out isn’t it?) I awake every day to the neighing of neighbors horses. Reloading ammunition has slowed immensely due to the immoral cost of components.  (It seems to be the American way, gore them aplenty while they are down and extract in every way possible)  When I hear of primers on sale for $80.00 per thousand, I shiver and recall the days I paid $$3.45 per thousand.  I refuse to pay the price so my shelves are mostly bare and the production slow.
NewsMax is my only source of worldly events and as such still leave me with a hollow despair and raging desire to join the fray which is but an old fools lament.  Scripture tells us that eventually the world will become so evil that good will be considered bad and evil will carry the day as desired and the norm.  We are there!  Past rants had me include my dismay regarding the daily attire, body art, lack of propriety, open lawlessness and on and on.  Just read that San Francisco has dozens of stores closing after over a half a century of service which has become impossible due to the rampant crime and it is the same throughout the entire nation. We are smothered in crime without any consequence what-so ever.  To not be concerned is to be brain dead.
We have plenty to be worried about.  Our military has run amuck. We have a blithering imbecile as a leader with punishment being metered out to those who might speak their disagreement on almost every front.  On the world stage we are laughing stock and the memory of WWII whereby we saved the entire world all but forgotten.  Well, the hundreds of thousands that have given their lives for the sake of freedom have not been forgotten by me.  Angels in heaven weep at the seemingly indifferent attitude of the masses as to our history.  Vermin throughout the land are busy as bees destroying any semblance of history.  I have written before that our only salvation lies in adopting and living the Christian ethic as originally intended by our founding fathers.  Thus, resolution is plain and simple for anyone desiring days of yesteryear.  There is no other way on this earth.We are engulfed in mans inhumanity to man as designed by Satan.  Only the brain dead and mentally challenged can argue this.  Like it or not, we are in a mortal state to determine and illustrate our worth as an immortal being.  If we deny this, we become part of the problem and not part of the cure.  As I mature, I realize that I have come up short in the allegiance to God category and do not intend to leave earth carrying that burden.  I try daily to improve.
My affection for each of you reigns clear and strong.  My history includes hundreds if not thousands of individuals I respect and love and in so doing, wish the very best for each of you.  My charge to you is to pray and pray often for those who have gone before and made life here on earth possible for us.  Give thanks for the sheep dogs that operate daily to protect us and do so in face of overwhelming contempt.  Give thanks to God for our lives as we know them and understand that everyone of us is a child of God.
Love, Dave   8-29-2023

Police pursuit laws are an ‘easy to read playbook’ for criminals: Derek Sanders HERE

Reservations are filling up fast! No RV’s “Tents only !”

 Governor Newsom welcomes you to California. 

9 Best Camping Spots In California

California is a beautiful state with a variety of environments for nature lovers to explore. Whether you’re a casual camper, backpacker, or just want a quiet place to relax and plot your revenge; California has the place for you.

Check out our list of California’s most idyllic camping spots:

Historic Skid Row in Los Angeles

New campers would do well to start off in the beautiful Skid Row neighborhood of Los Angeles. This is a heavily used camp area so you’ll never be without help if you have trouble starting a fire or looting a corpse.

Beautiful Tenderloin in San Francisco

Tony Bennett once called San Francisco the greatest city in the world to sleep on the streets. The exotic golden city is home to many sights, all within hiking distance from the beautiful Tenderloin campground. And just a quick two-mile hike to the Castro District, where your wildest dreams can come true. Convenient!

Embarcadero Marina Park in San Diego

Second only to the exclusive freeway off-ramp at Imperial Avenue, the Embarcadero Marina Park has easy access to swimming and piracy. Take to the high seas by day, and sleep on soft soiled grass by night. San Diego’s weather is so perfect you don’t even need a tent!

Idyllic Venice Beach off the Pacific Coast Highway

Everyone loves the beach! Venice is a great place for campers looking for a relaxing place to lounge the day away. Spend your time swimming, tanning, or swiping the wallets of beach visitors who think they’re clever for hiding money in their shoes.


It’s Oakland, what more can we say.

The bank of the roaring Los Angeles River in Anaheim

Ah, the mighty Los Angeles River! In cowboy days this river was used by pioneers looking for passage to the Pacific Ocean. Now it’s used by campers who don’t want to make the long trek out to the Colorado River. Great for jet skis and kayaking!

Romantic Echo Park outside Dodger Stadium

Have you ever asked someone to marry you under the shooting fountains of Echo Park Lake? You should! Be advised, this is a crowded campground and it may be hard to find space for your tent. But don’t worry, film crews clear everyone out at least twice a week so if you time it right you can steal a spot from Andrew Carver, the 70-year-old heroin addict. He’s slow!

The Walk of Fame in Hollywood

Backpackers will love staying on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. No communal campground here, just a diverse group of men and women who trek back and forth across Hollywood’s history. Though there’s a lot of foot traffic, the sidewalk is exceptionally wide with plenty of room for sleeping.

Atmospheric Lake Oroville where Governor Gavin Newsom lives

Gavin Newsom has been living in the burnt-out ruins of Lake Oroville ever since 2020 and he shows no signs of stopping. Join the smartest man in California in a number of outdoor activities as he poses next to random objects and signs bills into law.


Coach Joe Kennedy on his return to football and faith on the field: ‘America is alive and well’

Coach Joe Kennedy returned to the high school football field on Friday, September 1, in Bremerton, Washington, after a years-long battle involving prayer, personal expression and the Constitution that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. In an on-camera interview with Fox News Digital on Saturday morning, he revealed among other things that since yesterday, he hasn’t stopped smiling about how things turned out. 

“It was so amazing. I haven’t processed all of it,” he said of his return to the game (and yes, his team won on Friday). VIEW HERE


“We were under sail again to another beautiful cove on the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia. Anchored and Enjoyed a great lunch on board and then lots of sunning and swimming in the crystal blue water. Feel blessed. Enjoy!”

Why I Needed A Break from the USA

Ron Martinelli, Ph.D.

Copyright 09-02-23

I’m forensic criminologist by trade with a side hustle as an Amazon best-selling author and occasional political commentator. My work takes me all over the country investigating high-profile death cases often involving law enforcement officers. Several of my most high-profile cases have involved incidents at our southern border with Mexico. Shootings, drug and human smuggling and undocumented aliens (referred to as “UDA’s”) are all a part of my caseload.

To say the least, my job is stressful. As a seasoned professional and a retired police detective, I have learned to compartmentalize it and move on in my search for the forensic facts and truth. My company’s motto is “We speak for the dead and defends the innocent.” I am in no way a “false narratives” or “I need a safe space” kinda guy. I drive a pick-up truck, raise longhorns and bucking bulls in Texas, drink my whisky with a side of nothing and fly the American and Lone Star flags if that tells you something about me.

I’m an independent contractor retained by federal, state and municipal governments, the courts, nationally prominent private law firms, private corporations and giant law firms. I get to work my own hours. Therefore, I am blessed with the ability to take several mini-vacations each year. I am Italian, so every year I return to Europe and “The Old Country” for a respite. Currently, I am vacationing in beautiful Croatia and Italy. I am a cultures, languages, history and people person, who is always on the learning curve. For me, travel is about establishing, building and maintaining relationships. Whenever I travel abroad, I listen, learn and educate myself. I learned long ago that for all if its good qualities, the USA is far from the end all and be all of nations.

This year I really needed a break from the USA. I’ve never said that before. There is just far too much drama in what I used to refer to as “God’s Country” for an old dog like me to digest. Our government who’s sole purposes are to protect us and be good stewards of our national welfare has failed miserably at both responsibilities. Who would have thought that the people who would be steering our nation’s direction would be a bunch of Progressive leftist socialists and Marxists?

Now, we are truly a nation divided. Our dysfunctional politicians on both sides have enabled, empowered, fostered and in many cases even created deep chasms between our races, religions, genders, sexuality, ideologies and societal norms.

Right out of American communist Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” handbook, the architects of Marxism and racist, Marxist Black Nationalists like the fraudulent Black Lives Matter movement have created the false narratives that America is a society of intolerance and hate. I am enraged that our Progressive federal administration has completely bought into the flagrant race-baiting and anti-police lies of self-avowed Marxist activists like the BLM (Buying Large Mansions).

I’m tired constantly hearing about “White Supremacy” from a small, non-white demographic that statistically commits nearly 60% of all homicides and in some large cities over 85% of all shootings and homicides against people of color. Yet, their community is silent at the holocaust committed by a very small criminal element within their own community. You’ve got to be kidding me!

I’m angered when I hear the repetitious, blatant lie that law enforcement officers “murder a disproportionate number of people of color.” Last year in Chicago people of color murdered over 300 times more and wounded nearly 1,400 times more people of color than the police did. That’s a forensic fact.

We now have an informal “Open Borders” policy that in two years has allowed over seven million illegal aliens to freely enter and remain in the U.S. This population includes thousands of violent criminals, sexual predators, MS-13 gang members, drug dealers and hundreds of terrorists who prey on Americans and UDA’s. There are now close to 30 million UDA’s in the USA. Last year, over 1,000 UDA’s died or were murdered by Mexican transnational drug and human smuggling cartels while crossing the southern border. Yet, not a peep from our President or DHS Secretary. Last year over 110,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, 85% from synthetic opiates like Fentanyl and now “tranq.” The drug cartels have now established a solid foothold in most major urban cities. They have invaded us and brought war to our country. Again, not a peep from our compromised, corrupt “protectors” of our national security.

It’s beyond frustrating to watch as our Department of Justice and it’s FBI is systematically weaponized against parents, Christians and conservative politicians seeking a return to normalcy and American ethics and values.

As a patriotic American who served his county and community for twenty-five years and after fifty years continues to serve in private practice, I’m just sick of all the BS. I’m not alone. “Stop the madness!” we all want to scream out, but our federal and a number of our state governments are not listening.

Gone is common sense. Everyone is “offended” by something. The Internet and social media have created a “voice” for haters, the intolerant, the psychologically ill, and the politically aggressive. Their voices and complaints are completely disproportionate with their demographics.

Have you noticed the emergence of the term “My truth?” Well, as a forensic fact-based expert, I can tell you that “their truth” is often not “the truth.” For instance, the entire ridiculous argument that biological men can compete with biological women because “their truth” is that they identify with women. Are we nuts?

What is both sad and disgraceful is that finger in the wind politicians seeking to widen their base and some Progressive, activist judges are just fine with denying biological women the right to compete with their own gender. Corporations greedy for money have allowed themselves to be led by the ignorant and uninformed at the expenses of their client base. Ultimately, there is a price to pay for such hypocrisy (think the Bud Light billions dollars losses debacle).

We have a Veterans Day honoring nearly millions of brave men and women who either made the ultimate sacrifice, were permanently physically/mentally disabled, and/or managed to survive the honors of war for our freedom. Compared that national holiday against a Pride Month celebrating the nebulous accomplishments of an extreme minority of the population who for some reason “feel” that they need to be celebrated.

We tear down historic statutes of our Founding Fathers and leaders and remove the names of those like Lincoln who freed the slaves and call them “racists.” We erase the very foundations of our history instead of studying it and improving the future for our children. We have allowed ourselves to become a Ship of Fools led by a President and his ilk who pander to our global enemies and take their money to enrich themselves. Then they use the very law enforcement agencies designed to protect us and our nation to cover their tracks and obstruct real justice and accountability. As a former law enforcement officer, it sickens me, as well as my brothers and sisters.

Here in small, independent Croatia, we have visited a number of towns, remarking about how clean and safe they appear. We see no homeless or beggars harassing people. No one here is staggering around in a drug-induced stupor. There are no flash mobs looting stores, no carjackings and no officer-involved shootings nor any disrespect of law enforcement. There is virtually no litter or graffiti to be seen except in a large city. We asked our hosts why.

Here are the four takeaway reasons why Croatia is societally way ahead of the USA that I wish our political leaders and woke citizens would embrace.

First, Croatia has a zero tolerance policy on illegal immigration. They vet new immigrants to ensure they have education, employable job skills and personal income that will allow them to flourish and Croatia to benefit from. The country is small and places its citizens well-being first. They do not harm their economy by subsidizing those who can’t or won’t produce. No one gets “free stuff” here. Everyone works for what they have. If you are of age and have the ability to work, but don’t work, you don’t survive and eventually have to leave. The government does nothing to force you out; they just don’t do anything to support the freeloaders of society. Parasites, self-evict. An interesting concept that seems to work.

Second, Croatians honor and respect law enforcement and the Rule of Law. Being a law enforcement officer here is considered to be an honorable profession. No one but a fool disrespects the police here. Having once been an overly authoritative communist regime, the population and those who become officers respect the public. They never want to return to the Old Days of repressive communism.

Third, the term and concept of “judicial accountability” means something here. If you commit a crime here, you are going to do the time. There are no if’s and’s or but’s. There is no two-tiered system of “justice” that has become the norm in the USA. People have trust in their judicial system and respect it. Again, they learned how not to do it after having been a failed communist regime in the past. They shake their head and remark, “What are you guys thinking over there?” when we discuss our extreme crime rates.

Fourth, there is a great feeling of national pride in Croatia. They are a proud people who threw off the chains of oppressive communism. They are a free people and have greatly benefitted and flourished from watching how free nations govern. It’s “Croatia First,” all the way here. The government and its people work together to ensure that Croatia is a clean and safe environment to live and raise their children.

Sounds like it’s all common sense, right? Their attitude and family values reminds of the “Good Old Days” many of us experienced growing up. It kind of makes one wonder what ever happened to those days in the USA.

Remember that as Americans, we don’t “lose” our rights. Corrupt, self-serving politicians, the ignorant, uninformed and disengaged who vote for them, or don’t vote at all, and the minions of corrupt politicians take our rights from us every day as long as we let them.

Yes, I needed a mental health vacation from my own country. Who would have thunk it? Isn’t that a sad state of affairs.

Dr. Ron Martinelli, is a nationally renowned forensic criminologist and death investigator. He is an Amazon international best-selling author of the fiction, action adventure, mystery series, “Wade Justus Texas Ranger.” Visit:www.wadejustus.com and Ron Martinelli on Instagram.


“San Jose Lowrider Day at City Hall 2023”

Massive Blue Angels Plane Low Pass During US Marines Silent Drill Platoon

A Gold Star father said five devastating words that will finish Joe Biden VIEW ARTICLE HERE

I Don’t Look Good Naked Anymore


Watch “Jay Leno Surprised With His 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon 170”

Funny Joke: Paying for Sin: VIEW HERE


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Hot Rod Lincoln by CC & LPA – Original 1972 release VIEW HERE

Born a dog, died a gently friend.

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