August PBA Meeting Photos and President’s Message

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 Ernie Alcantar, President

 Curtis Jackson, Vice President  Larry Lundberg, Treasurer  Cindy Buell, Sgt. at Arms  Ken Jacksteit, Editor
Mattos Mail Bag!

Hello all,

The annual Lee Wilson BBQ was held on Wednesday and attended by 95 members!
My heartfelt appreciation to the crew that made it a success.  Treasurer Larry Lundberg did all the shopping for the necessities.  He spent two days prepping for the meal, cutting and sautéing the meat, onions, etc.  He put together the salad, baking the garlic bread and corn at the POA kitchen.  
On the morning of the event, he arrived at 9:00 am to start his ‘road kill chili’, complete the shopping and ensuring all loose ends were tied up for the cooking crew and helpers.  As hot as it was outside, it was just as stifling inside the kitchen.  After the BBQ, he spent the next day cleaning his utensils and stowing them for the next event.  For those who attended, please take a moment to express your gratitude to Larry and the crew for their efforts.  

Brian Bennert and Bob Kosovilka stepped up to set up the chow line and serving the steaks and chili.  Terry Handforth and Bill Santos grilled the steaks in the POA parking lot in the over 90-degree heat.  Sgt.-At-Arms Cindy Buell helped with the collection of donations for the chaplaincy and the raffle.  
Rich Frazier and John Quinn ran the bar.  Again, a big thank you all for all your efforts!!
A shout out to the POA for allowing the use of their BBQ trailer and as always, the hall itself.
Condolences to the families of retired Capt. Randy Schriefer #3540,
Capt. Larry Otter #1013, and Sgt. Herrell J. “Jay” Houston #1198
Returning Members: Mark Alvares, Mark Bell, Steve Caraway, Robert Dominguez, Armando Elemen, Bob Finnie, Gary Johnson, Ken Hawkes, Mardy Johnson,
Heinz Koenig, Andy Layne, Gary Madison, Greg Morrill, Gene Phillips and
Mike Sterner.

Congratulations to Alan Cavallo who received the ‘longest distance traveled’ gift pack for making the trip from his home in Utah.
New member(s): None

Happy birthday to the members celebrating this month. 
Apologies to the celebrants present for the lack of the group photo.
The camera malfunctioned and the photo was not captured.
$25 birthday gift card winners:

  • Mike Roberson (Bass Pro) 
  • Chuck Hahn (Peet’s) 
  • Dave Tozer (Dunkin)
August Birthdays

(Dates to the right are retirement dates)
1   Archie, Dan                          (2002)
2   Babineau, Dave                    (2005)
3   Boyd, Pat                             (2009)
4   Brasil, Mario                         Active
5   Brewer, Tom                        (2000)
6   Bui, Mike                              Active
7   Busch, Dennis                       (1993)
8   Byers, Dave                          (1996)
9   DeMers, Buck                       (2009)
10   Dishman, Billy                     (2006)
11 Dulong, Dave                        (2012)
12 Fanucchi, Roscoe                  (1982)
13 Galios, Chris                         (2001)
14 Gay, Brian                            (1993)
15 Hahn, Chuck                         (2008)
16 Hazen, Skip                          (1993)
17 Hernandez, Ernie                  (2007)
18 Holser, George                     (2000)
19 Johnson, Brett                      (2021)
20 Johnson, Craig                      (2009)
21 Johnson, Gary                      (2006)
22 Katz, Dan                             (2010)
23 Kihmm, Mike                        (2020)
24 Kinsworthy, Lloyd                 (2018)
25 Kurz, Eric                              (2012)
26 Layne, Andy                         (2009)
27 Martinez, Karen                    (2007)
28 Mello, Steve (Ret. Mt. View PD/Assoc) (2011)
29 Moore, Mike (Ret. Civ./Assoc) (2019)
30 O’Connor, Mike                    (2005)
31Phillips, Gene                                    (2009)
32 Pitts, Phil                             (1987)
33Priddy, Loren                        (2003)
34 Reeves, Curt                         (2004)
35 Rendler, Bill                         (2004)
36 Roberson, Mike                    Active
37 Rodriguez, Tony                   (2011)
38 Scanlan, Pete                       (2010)
39 Schenck, Joe                         (2005)
40 Smith, B.T.                           (1992)
41 Thompson, Margie (Ret. Civ./Assoc) (2008)
42 Tokiwa, Robin                      (2011)
43 Tozer, Dave                          (2004)
44 Tuminia, Pete (Ret. State Agt./Assoc) (2007)
45 Wall, Chuck                          (2002)
46 Wilson, Stan                         (1993)

Abram, Fred
Diehl, John
Esparza, Fred
Ewing, Don
Norton, Phil
Rose, Wendell
Roy, Charlie
Sanfilippo, Roy
Smith, Lew
Wilson, Lee
Windisch, Steve Sr.

Raffle prizes donated by: Cindy Buell, Darrell Cortez, Dave Dulong,
Ernie Hernandez, Matt McLinden, Jim Silvers, Jerry Smith, Jim Spence, PBA.  
All contributions are very much appreciated, thank you!
Speakers: None
Upcoming events/fundraisers:

6th Annual Emerald Society Fundraiser; 09/16/23 at 5:00 pm, Los Lagos Golf Course.

4th Annual Cal. Robbery Investigator’s Assoc. Poker Tournament, 10/21/2023
5:00 pm, POA Hall.

Congratulations to Darrell Cortez who hosted his 16th Annual Shop with a Cop Fundraiser on Saturday, August 12th.  The event sold-out with all 400 tickets spoken for; a great evening was had with tequila tasting and tacos with all the fixings.

15th Annual SJPOA Charitable Foundation Chaplaincy Golf Tournament; 10/02/23, 10:30 am, SJ Country Club.

Ernie Alcantar, Cindy Buell

Chaplain Bryan Allen, Jim Silvers, Pete Tuminia, Tom McCready, Ken Hawkes

Mike Kihmm, Andy Layne, Phil Biebel, Danny Vasquez, Cindy Buell, Greg Morrill,
Back row: Reese Gwillim, Mike Alford

Steve Caraway, Mike Sterner, Fred Lagergren, Cha Cha Ramon, Dave Dulong,
Tim Knea

Bill Mason, Mike Amaral, Steve Mello, Ken Jacksteit, Mike Richmond

Robert Dominguez, Ted Vasquez, Dario Estrabao, Gilbert Torres, Armando Elemen,
Dan Archie

Mark Alvares, Steve McEwan, Charlie Hoehn, Dave Byers, Glenn Bytheway, 
Dave Hendrix, Jerry Smith

Heinz Koenig, Matt McLinden, Darrell Cortez, Ken Tanaka, Tony Rodriguez

Buck DeMers, Will Battaglia, Carm Grande, Tony Destro, Jim Guido, Bruce Morton

Don Parks, Phil Rodgers, George Padilla, Frank Portillo, Cindy Buell

Gary Johnson, Dave Babineau, Cheryl Babineau,
Back Row: Bob Finnie, Jeremy Martinez

Steve McEwan, Gary La Rault, Dave Byers, Glenn Bytheway

Mike Mendez, Susan Annino, Ernie Hernandez, Rene Retuta, Felipe Flores

Mike Fehr, Chaplain Jim Becknall, Pete Salvi

Mark Bell, Alan Cavallo, Mike Kihmm

Catching up

Time to eat

Deep in conversation

Armando Elemen, Curt Reeves, Joe Giorgianni

Rich Frazier, John Quinn

Grilling the steaks

Terry Handforth, Bill Santos

Brian Bennert, Bob Kosovilka

Larry Lundberg

Chaplain Bryan Allen, Jeremy Martinez, Chaplain Jim Becknall

Please ensure the PBA has your correct contact information.  
Address updates may be sent to:

Larry Lundberg, or Ken Jacksteit,

As always; if you may have a question, concern, comment or would like to reach out, my email is:

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President

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