WILDFIRE! Welfare or Retirees Who Are Hawaii Residents

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Dear Members,

As you likely know, the island of Maui, Hawaii is being ravaged by fire. At least six people have died, and thousands have been displaced. I reached out to the following retirees we have on file as living in Hawaii to check on their status:

Police personnel 

  • Jim Carlton fine over 100 miles away also informed me that Daniel Fino is fine
  • Cynthia Johnson is fine
  • Chris Green is fine
  • Emailed with Dave Bacigalupi

Fire personnel 

  • Gerald Dennis fine will be at BBQ tomorrow 
  • Dave Schoonover fine South of fire area
  • Tony Magallon, left message and text no response yet

The only unknown we are aware of is Tony Magallon. We will follow up once we know more.


Ray Storms


Editor’s Note:

Maui wildfires live updates: Chaos at Maui’s main airport as hundreds try to leave VIEW HERE

Disaster declared in Hawaii wildfires, airlines add evacuation flights VIEW HERE


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