I accidently published 060823 and 062523 at the same time, so will discontinue posting only on Wednesdays in lieu of posting when there is enough content to warrant sending. A reminder that the many contributors who are making these Farsiders interesting are “The Glue That Keeps Us Together”! And please note that the “Where Are We Now” feature is well received and I hope more will send in a piece on there current whereabouts, activities, and a picture or two so we all can see what you look like now. Today’s issue is a good example with Mark Bell catching us up on what his Blue Knights Team is up to of late. I really appreciate the pics the PBA sends out after each meeting. It is a relief to see that I am not the only one getting old! 🙂
The Farsider does not go out without costs. Me? I’m cheap. I work for nothing and my wife lets me sleep with her once in awhile ‘-)
But the costs of a server to store The Farsider, the email app to get this mailed to all of you, the security measures to keep it all private and a bunch of things I know nothing about are born by our good friend, Eric Duran, who retired from the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department and now has a great retirement job of maintaining websites. That includes ACSO Retirees site and other government customers.
So. I’ll ask again for donations to the cause. A few have responded so far and I hope more of you will join the mix! Doesn’t have to be a high dollar amount, but if only a 1/4 of you sent in 10 or 20 bucks it will go along way toward keeping us going for another year.
Woodstock West: The Celebrated ‘Woodstock Nation’ Had Roots in San Jose.
Three months before the festival at Yasgur’s farm defined a transformative era, San Jose State and the County Fairgrounds were counterculture’s ground zero.
View Story HERE
POLICE NEWS! The first Dodge Ram……
Bill to Stop Employees Confronting Shoplifters Passed by California Senate
Lawmakers in California are hoping to push through controversial legislation that would ban retail staff from stopping thieves stealing from their stores.
Senate Bill 553, which was submitted by State Senator Dave Cortese, has been passed by the State Senate and will now progress to policy committees in the State Assembly. Cortese hopes the proposed law will prevent workplace violence and protect staff from being forced by their employers to step-in during robberies. But some store bosses are furious about the plans, with the California Retailers Association mocking the move as an open invitation for thieves “to come in and steal.” FULL STORY HERE
Great Tips That Could Probably Change The World. Rocky Laporte
Motorcyclist Dies in Crash Involving Truck in San Jose The San Jose Police Department is investigating a deadly crash involving a motorcycle and a truck Sunday afternoon.
The incident happened just after 3:30 p.m. in the intersection of Golden Wheel Park Drive and Oakland Road.
Police said the motorcyclist collided with a parked truck. No one was inside the truck at the time of the crash.
The motorcyclist was pronounced dead at the scene.SEE STORY HERE
The Almighty One reveals in an exclusive interview that he’s really let those prayers pile up over the millennia. Turns out even the Creator has trouble keeping up with his inbox. Read more
The NFL’s golden boy insists he’ll play into his 50s whether fans like it or not. Read more
New York City had the worst air quality in the world early this morning, with Detroit in fifth place, according to the tracking service.
Raging Wildfires Burn Across Canada Sending Smoke Down to the US
2023 Northern California wildfire resources: Where to find county evacuation info, maps, alerts and more
Looking for some getaway fun? The Best Beachfront Hotel In California What better place to book a vacation with friends, family, or your favorite plus one than the best beachfront hotel in the Golden State? With an endless amount of attractive amenities, the only negative aspect of this hotel is that it can get very crowded…but for good reason! According to a list compiled by Brides, the best beachfront hotel in all of California is Shutters on the Beach located in Santa Monica. This hotel tops the list because of its proximity to the Santa Monica pier. Brides mentioned that this one-of-a-kind hotel has an amazing spa and “beach butler service.” The pool and spa are heated, and guests often spot celebrities on the premises. Following closely behind Shutters on the Beach on a list of the best beachfront hotels in California is Mission Pacific Hotel, Kimpton Shorebreak Resort, and more!
A California man seen on video taking a deputy’s gun and shooting at her has been acquitted of attempted murder. The victim says it sets a dangerous precedent. VIEW HERE
O’ Canada!
Newsom’s homelessness insanity fails taxpayers
Gov. Newsom’s homelessness insanity fails taxpayers. California’s Housing First program helps make the problem even worse and costs citizens billions of dollars.
Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more migrants who illegally crossed the border this year than in the previous four years combined. While the numbers dropped slightly in May the shocking trend continues.
Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia tweeted a report revealing that since the beginning of Fiscal Year 23 on October 1, his agents encountered more migrants that during the previous four years combined. According to an unofficial Border Patrol report reviewed by Breitbart Texas, Swanton Sector agents apprehended more than 450 migrants in May. This brings the total for FY23 apprehensions in this sector to more than 3,800 migrants. During just the past two months, agents apprehended more migrants than during the entire year in FY22. In addition to the more than 3,800 migrants apprehended this year, more than 1,800 more migrants are classified as known got-aways, according to an unofficial Border Patrol report reviewed by Breitbart. This brings the total number of known border crossers this year to more than 5,600 migrants. During the past four fiscal years, Swanton Sector agents apprehended nearly 3,100 migrants who illegally crossed the Canadian border into part of northern New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. This year’s apprehensions during just the first eight months represent an increase of nearly 25 percent over the prior four-year total. Chief Garcia tweeted a photo illustrating the dangerous tactics used by human smugglers in his sector. In a human smuggling attempt in October, two migrants in the U.S. illegally attempted to smuggle ten other Mexican migrants into northern New York. The smugglers packed the migrants into an overloaded SUV. The two human smugglers were eventually convicted in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York and will be deported back to their home nation.
Hi Leroy,
This years annual summer BBQ for our Blue Knights Chapter XXII- was hosted by Tam and Bob Lobach at their Morgan Hill Ranch. Approximately 40 of our 62 chapter members attended this BBQ. Our chef and BBQ expert is retired SJPD Sgt. Mike Smith and his lovely wife Leslie. For those that are unaware of what the Blue Knights Motorcycle organization is I will provide a brief background.
The Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement officers who enjoy riding motorcycles. In the Spring of 1974, several law enforcement officers from the Bangor, Maine, USA area met and formed a small, local motorcycle club. The Blue Knights® LEMC have approximately 600 chapters, 15,000 members in 11 Conferences within 34 countries and territories.
In 2011 Joe Ross spoke at a PBA dinner and invited any interested member to join a new chapter that was just established in Monterey. I attended one of their meetings and signed up. Our chapter started with the required 10 members and has grown to the current 62 members, 26 who retired from SJPD. We have numerous retirees from throughout the area; Santa Clara County S.O., Gilroy PD, Scotts Valley PD, San Mateo S,O., C.H.P., Santa Cruz County S.O., Stockton PD.
Our Chapter hosts 3 events each year. A Summer BBQ in June, A Beach ride weekend in San Simeon in early October & a year end BBQ in November or early December. We also attend out of state conferences through the United States and Canada.
These pictures- The gentleman standing in a hat is Greg Morrill talking to his new bride Stacee. Nancy and Jim Wagner are walking from the Food service patio along the pool to their table with Greg & Stacee. The last picture is of members eating their meal in the food service are. You can see Bob’s shop to the left- this is were Mike Smith parks his mobile BBQ smoker and prepares the best ribs and Try-tips you have ever enjoyed- FYI Mike and Leslie are at the Garlic World fruit stand on US 101 just outside of Gilroy every Saturday and Sunday*** NOTE they usually sellout by 1500 hours so order yours early.
Editor’s Note: Not knowing all the faces of the content, I will leave it up to your friends who do know the faces to match name with photo!
Ok last batch of pictures, #1- Is the back of Thang Le and Tam Lobach talking to the Naval academy sailor Ms. Gonzalez. #2 picture has Rich Bailey in the ball cap next to Joe Ramirez and his wife Terri- Ron Belleci is reaching in for an Italian Sausage (al la Keith Kelly style), Jim Wagner is in the background. #3 picture Ron is chowing down on the sausage with Jim, Michelle G. & Lorenzo talking in the background #4 picture on the left is Tam lobach, Tang Le, Michelle Gonzalez and daughter & daughter’s BFF. #5 picture is our GREAT BBQ Chef Mike Smith, doing the heavy lifting!
Yes, I have pondered these questions, often in an intoxicated condition.
01. If a bottle of poison reaches its expiration date, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?
02. Which letter is silent in the word “Scent,” the S or the C?
03. Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned?
04. Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.
05. The word “swims” upside-down is still “swims”.
06. Over 100 years ago, everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.
07. If people evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?
08. Why is there a ‘D’ in fridge, but not in refrigerator?
09. As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but making everyone angry is a piece of cake!
10. I’m responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
11. Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it the most never use it.
12. My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used to have some immunity built up, but obviously, there’s a new strain out there.
14. It’s not my age that bothers me – it’s the side effects.
15. I’m not saying I’m old and worn out, but I make sure I’m nowhere near the curb on trash day.
16. As I watch this generation try and rewrite our history, I’m sure of one thing: it will be misspelled and have no punctuation.
17. As I’ve gotten older, people think I’ve become lazy. The truth is I’m just being more energy efficient.
18. I haven’t gotten anything done today. I’ve been in the Produce Department trying to open this stupid plastic bag.
19. If you find yourself feeling useless, remember: it took 20 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of lives and four presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.
20. Turns out that being a “senior” is mostly just googling how to do stuff.
21. I want to be 18 again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas.
22. I’m on two simultaneous diets. I wasn’t getting enough food on one.
23. I put my scale in the bathroom corner and that’s where the little liar will stay until it apologizes.
24. My mind is like an internet browser. At least 18 open tabs, 3 of them are frozen, and I have no clue where the music is coming from.
25. Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall, and when it rang, I picked it up without knowing who was calling.
26. My wife says I keep pushing her buttons. If that were true, I would have found mute by now.
27. There is no such thing as a grouchy old person. The truth is that once you get old, you stop being polite and start being honest.
Post Views:546
3 Thoughts on “061123”
Manoah “Robbie” Robison who recently passed had many adventures during his career as a police officer. Below is one of the more memorable ones:
Manoah “Robbie” Robinson vs Proxiville Green
Robbie was working nights with his faithful companion Shadow in the back of his wagon in the Almaden/Auzerasis area. He stopped a vehicle for a tail light out and approached the driver. He explained to the driver why he had been stopped then asked for his driver’s license. The driver and lone occupant Proxiville Green, fumbled around “looking for his wallet” and proclaimed that he “must have left it in his house.” Robbie advised Green that he was going to give him a citation for both the tail light violation and for no driver’s license in possession.
Green pleaded his case and asked Robbie to please come to his house, which was “just around the corner” and he could show him his driver’s license. Green seemed sincere and apologetic so Robbie figured it was a simple matter to stop by the house and see the license so really, “what could go wrong!” Robbie left Shadow in the police car, advised radio what he was doing and followed Green into his house. Since these were the days of no portable radios, Robbie was on his own.
Green led Robbie into the kitchen where Robbie’s attention was momentarily diverted. That was all it took. Green grabbed a heavy metal skillet off the range and wacked Robbie in the back of the head. Robbie saw stars, his knees buckled and he almost went down but he was able to stay up and grab Green’s arm with the frying pan. They danced around the kitchen and into the bedroom where a tall and muscular Green toppled Robbie over into the bed back first. Green was on top and kept trying to get his frying pan free so he could finish Robbie off with a crushing death blow.
Robbie managed to get his right hand free, pull his .357 magnum out of his holster and began “pistol whipping” Green again, and again and again. Finally, a stunned Green released the pan and Robbie pushed himself free, away from Green and off the bed. He ordered Green onto the floor, proned him out and cuffed him. He knew he could have shot Green to stop the threat instead of “pistol whipping him but wanted to try less than lethal force first.
Robbie talked about this incident a lot as a precautionary tale on what could happen in the seemingly simplest of situations and his moral of this story was: never follow a suspect into a house without backup and when in a physical struggle; “Never give up, never give in!” Robbie knew he almost died that night but learned a valuable lesson that he never repeated. A lesson he passed on to many other officers over the years particularly when he was a supervisor in the F.T.O. unit.
Thank you for keeping us updated. I can’t find the email where you listed the guys info who helps host the Farsider.
Can you please provide me with his name and mailing address.
I would also like to mail you something. Do you have a P.O. Box or mailing address I can use.
Rick Williams
Please don’t post this.
Here ya go,
1710 Magic Lane Lodi, CA 95242-3928
In check Memo Line, “For musingsfromleroy.org website“
Eric Duran, President eduran@cmpdinc.com
C: 209-298-9644eu
Manoah “Robbie” Robison who recently passed had many adventures during his career as a police officer. Below is one of the more memorable ones:
Manoah “Robbie” Robinson vs Proxiville Green
Robbie was working nights with his faithful companion Shadow in the back of his wagon in the Almaden/Auzerasis area. He stopped a vehicle for a tail light out and approached the driver. He explained to the driver why he had been stopped then asked for his driver’s license. The driver and lone occupant Proxiville Green, fumbled around “looking for his wallet” and proclaimed that he “must have left it in his house.” Robbie advised Green that he was going to give him a citation for both the tail light violation and for no driver’s license in possession.
Green pleaded his case and asked Robbie to please come to his house, which was “just around the corner” and he could show him his driver’s license. Green seemed sincere and apologetic so Robbie figured it was a simple matter to stop by the house and see the license so really, “what could go wrong!” Robbie left Shadow in the police car, advised radio what he was doing and followed Green into his house. Since these were the days of no portable radios, Robbie was on his own.
Green led Robbie into the kitchen where Robbie’s attention was momentarily diverted. That was all it took. Green grabbed a heavy metal skillet off the range and wacked Robbie in the back of the head. Robbie saw stars, his knees buckled and he almost went down but he was able to stay up and grab Green’s arm with the frying pan. They danced around the kitchen and into the bedroom where a tall and muscular Green toppled Robbie over into the bed back first. Green was on top and kept trying to get his frying pan free so he could finish Robbie off with a crushing death blow.
Robbie managed to get his right hand free, pull his .357 magnum out of his holster and began “pistol whipping” Green again, and again and again. Finally, a stunned Green released the pan and Robbie pushed himself free, away from Green and off the bed. He ordered Green onto the floor, proned him out and cuffed him. He knew he could have shot Green to stop the threat instead of “pistol whipping him but wanted to try less than lethal force first.
Robbie talked about this incident a lot as a precautionary tale on what could happen in the seemingly simplest of situations and his moral of this story was: never follow a suspect into a house without backup and when in a physical struggle; “Never give up, never give in!” Robbie knew he almost died that night but learned a valuable lesson that he never repeated. A lesson he passed on to many other officers over the years particularly when he was a supervisor in the F.T.O. unit.
Dennis McKenzie
Thank you for keeping us updated. I can’t find the email where you listed the guys info who helps host the Farsider.
Can you please provide me with his name and mailing address.
I would also like to mail you something. Do you have a P.O. Box or mailing address I can use.
Rick Williams
Please don’t post this.
Here ya go,
1710 Magic Lane Lodi, CA 95242-3928
In check Memo Line, “For musingsfromleroy.org website“
Eric Duran, President
C: 209-298-9644eu