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HnMiracle Dog Survives Coyote Attack #Videon
nApril 17, 2023nnSynopsis:nIn November 2021, Jasper Wu was 23 months old living with his parents in N. California. While ridingnwith his mother, Jasper was MURDERED by 4 Gang Members. Jasper was riding in his car seat while his mother was driving S/B on Highway 880 in Oakland, CA. 4 Gang Members were chasing each other in vehicles S/B on Highway 880 and shooting at each other without regards to anyone’s safety. Jasper’s parents are legal immigrants in the United States. Jasper’s father was on business travel at the time of Jasper’s death.nHow many of the 77,000 Police Officers in the State of California would have enjoyed investigating this on-site Murder of a 23-month-old toddler? This 23-month-old child could have possibly been related to a young Police Officer just starting his/or her career in Law Enforcement. How many of the 77,000 Police Officers in the State of California would have had the emotional tenacity and ability to enter the Victim’s car to check for signs of life and/or remove Jasper’s dead body from the interior of the car? The human carnage and blood inside the interior of the car had to have been obscene and gruesome. The EXCELLENT work by the CHP, the Oakland Police Department and many other Municipal, State, and Federal Agencies led to the arrest of 3 of 4 Suspects!nNow a 2nd crime is about to occur if we all do not object strongly! DA Price might need to benimmediately RECALLED. Please read on!nBackground:nAs previously stated, Jasper was killed due to 4 Gang Members shooting at each other on a normalnupcoming holiday afternoon. The Gang Members had no regard for the safety of others. The actions of these Gang Members is exactly how some Middle Eastern Countries slaughter their own innocentncitizens by beheading the innocent citizens in public and without legal reasoning.nWhat is even worse is that the newly elected Alameda County District Attorney, Pamela Price, is notnbeing transparent as to how she plans to prosecute Gang Members and High-Level Felons in the future.nDA Price has made it well known publicly that she will NOT add enhancements to murder charges nonmatter how grizzly or wicked the murder was. Prior to being arrested for the murder of Jasper Wu, one of the four gang members was already murdered in another drive by shooting. Therefore, the remaining 3 Gang members are sitting in County Jail awaiting trial for the murder of Jasper. Based on the current M/O of DA Price, these 3 remaining Gang members may be offered reduced pleas of Manslaughter with a maximum sentence of 17 years in State Prison. Based on another current murder case that is scheduled for trial in Judge Mark McCannon’s Superior Court, DA Price does not believe in adding enhanced charges based on Gang Affiliations or the types of weapons utilized in Jasper’s murder.nAdditionally, No Life Sentences!nCurrently, Delonzo Logwood has been charged with 3 Murders in Oakland, CA. These 3 murdersnoccurred in Year 2008. In Year 2015, the previous District Attorney, Nancy O’Malley, approved thenMurder charges against Logwood. However, DA Price, in her first 100 days on the job in Year 2023, has offered Logwood a reduced plea of Manslaughter with only 17 years in State Prison. DA Price stated live on Fox news on April 13, 2023, that we are making the plea deal because we might not be able to prove this Murder.nDA Price has gone one step further by attempting to expel Judge McCannon (who is a former Alameda County Prosecutor) from holding this murder trial due to his professional negative opinion about the proposed Logwood Plea Deal. Judge McCannon is in total disagreement with the reduced charges and plans to move forward with the Murder Trial starting on April 17, 2023.nIf DA Price offers this same exact reduced plea deal with the 3 remaining Suspects in custody for thenbrutal Murder of Jasper, the Suspects will be out of State Prison in probably 12 years for good behavior.nIn fact it might be even sooner, due to the way Governor Gavin Newsom wants to close our old andndilapidated prisons. I am sure that Governor Newsom really does not care because he and his family will soon be leaving California and begin living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC. The Newsom family will be receiving 24/7 protection from the Secret Service for life. I am sure that DA Price will require the 3 Jasper Wu Suspects to apologize to the parents of Jasper. I am certain that the 3 Suspects will all claim that they found God while in prison.nBut Wait A Minute! One very important point! If and when these 3 Murder Suspects are released fromnprison, Jasper would probably still be in High School if he was still alive. REALLY?nIn closing, what is the one common denominator of all Peace Officers when they take their oath and pin on their badge? They swear to uphold the written laws of the State of California. They also understand that they must take all necessary steps to protect innocent citizens from Felons, ghost guns, and assault rifles that are used in wars. Most Police Officers and Command Officers also trust that their District Attorneys will stand together and completely support each other. DA Price is not following this standard.nI understand this fact very clearly since I was a San Jose Police Officer and PORAC Member after Ingraduated from San Jose State University. I worked under the command of Joseph D. Mc Namara Ph.D.nWhile at SJPD, I initially investigated all kinds of Felony Crimes, but never a homicide where a 23-month-old child was brutally murdered by Gang Members.nSUGGESTION!!! When the next Mass Shooting at an Elementary School occurs, DA Price should benrushed to the school CODE 3. Upon arrival, DA Price should lead the SWAT Team into the school where the Suspect(s) is still shooting innocent children and valuable underpaid school teachers. DA Price should be required to neutralize the Shooter(s). After this accomplishment, DA Price should benpersonally responsible for removing each dead child and teacher from inside the school. The deadnchildren need to be immediately released to their parents. One slight problem! Not all the dead children can be identified due to their mutilated bodies from the Suspect’s AR 15 rifle.nIf you think the Jasper Wu shooting will not occur in another California Community anytime soon, younare wrong! On April 7, 2023, a 5 year Child was riding in the back seat of her parent’s car. Just likenJasper, the child was shot and killed by three Gang Bangers on Highway 880 in Fremont, CA. I trulynwonder how DA Price will handle the prosecution of these three murderers?nBy the Way??? What is going to happen when DA Price has her first Homicide of a Police Officer in the County of Alameda. How is DA Price going to justify to the Law Enforcement Community Manslaughter for the Suspects(s)?nnNOTE: The author of this article is Dave Clayton who is a resident of Alameda County and a BusinessnnOwner in the City of Oakland, CA. Dave was a San Jose Police Officer and PORAC member afterngraduating from San Jose State University with a Bachelors Degree, and Cal State University East Bay with a Masters Degree.n
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nSubject: THE AMERICAN DREAM (it brings a tear to your eye)
nEvery morning, the CEO of a large bank in Manhattan walks to the corner for a shoe shine. He sits in an armchair, examines the Wall Street Journal and the shoe shiner buffs his shoes to a mirror shine. nnOne morning the shoe shiner asks the CEO: “What do you think about the situation in the stock market?” nnThe man answered arrogantly, “Why are you so interested in that topic?” The shoe guy replies, “I have millions in your bank,” he says, “and I’m considering investing some of the money in the capital market.” nn“What’s your name? ” asked the executive. nnJohn H. Smith was the reply. The CEO arrives at the bank and asks the Manager of the Customer Department; Do we have a client named John H. Smith? “Certainly, answers the Customer Service Manager, “he is a high net worth customer with 12.6 million dollars in his account.” nnThe executive arrives at the corner the next day, approaches the shoe shiner, and says, “Mr. Smith, I would like to invite you next Monday to be the guest of honor at our board meeting and tell us the story of your life. I am sure we could learn something from your life’s experience.” nnAt the board meeting, the CEO introduces him to the board members. “We all know Mr. Smith, from the corner shoe shine stand, but Mr. Smith is also an esteemed customer. I invited him here to tell us the story of his life. I am sure we can learn from him.” nnMr. Smith began his story… “I came to this country fifty years ago as a young immigrant from Europe with an unpronounceable name. I got off the ship without a penny. The first thing I did was change my name to Smith. I was hungry and exhausted. I started wandering around looking for a job but to no avail. Fortunately, I found a coin on the sidewalk. I bought an apple. I had two options, eat the apple and quench my hunger or start a business. I sold the apple for 25 cents and bought two apples with the money. I also sold them and continued in business. When I started accumulating a few dollars, I was able to buy a set of used brushes and shoe polish and started polishing shoes. I didn’t spend a penny on entertainment or clothing, I just bought bread and some cheese to survive. I saved penny by penny and after a while, I bought a new set of shoe brushes and polishes in different shades and expanded my clientele. nnI lived like a monk and saved penny by penny. After a while, I was able to buy an armchair so my clients could sit comfortably while I shined their shoes, and that brought me more clients. I did not spend a penny on the joys of life. I kept saving every cent. A few years ago, when the previous shoe shiner on the corner decided to retire, I had already saved enough money to buy his shoeshine location at this great place. nnFinally, 6 months ago, my sister, who was a prostitute in Chicago, passed away and left me 12.6 million dollars.”nnn
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April 20nn
Learn Our History Today: On April 20, 1999, the horrific and deadly Columbine High School shooting took place in Littleton, Colorado. The shooting began at 11:19 A.M. with two teens firing randomly at students outside the school.
nUnfortunately, they continued to the inside of the building where they began firing at students in the school’s cafeteria and library. The two had also planted bombs in the cafeteria in the hopes of killing hundreds in the explosions, but luckily the bombs did not go off, saving countless lives.nnFor nearly an hour the shooting continued, with the two teenagers ending the rampage shortly after noon by taking their own lives. In the end, 13 students and faculty from the high school were killed and 21 were wounded. Columbine was the country’s deadliest mass shooting until the Virginia Tech shooting of 2007. Following the deadly rampage, an investigation was undertaken to find out why the teens did it and what motivated them. Numerous theories have been put forward ranging from bullying to violent video games and music. Nothing, however, has been proven conclusively.nnAlso, on this day in U.S. history:nn1861: Robert E. Lee resigned his commission in the U.S. Army following the secession of his home state of Virginia from the Union.nn1979: President Jimmy Carter is attacked by a swamp rabbit while fishing in his boat in Plains, Georgia.nn1983: President Reagan signs a $165B bailout package for Social Security.nn n
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