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In a recent “musings” I commented on a photo of the BOD and friends enjoying breakfast and assumed (ass/u/me) that the PBA picked up the tap. Ernie assured me that the members paid their own way, including a generous tip. My Bad!nnI was commenting on the membership fees deducted from our retiree checks. and pointed out that the PBA had $100 Grand in the bank and suggested that maybe that could be reduced or changed to a quarterly or by-monthly fee. It is only $36 buck a year for each of us and probably goes unnoticed. But if there are only 300 dues paying members, that is over $10,000 a year, I may be cheap but “That Ain’t Hay”! I may be the only retiree concerned about that fee and I welcome any comments on the matter. Maybe a billing quarterly or bi-monthly? I don’t intend this to be a “piss fight”, but If not me, who then?nnOn the other hand, our “President For Life” claims he is not, and anyone can be nominated for any office. As I understand, the vote is taken at a meeting, so the 50, or so, who attend get the vote while the many hundreds of retirees living abroad do not. Maybe not for life, but for next year….and the next….and the next….nnImpressions are everything, as they say, and more so in Law Enforcement. n

And I do appreciate the contributions of content and kind words from all 900 of you paying or non-paying members who subscribe to this newsletter. (The “Glue That Keeps Us Together” as Lumpy phrased it!)nGood stuff already coming in for next issue!


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