Below is information on the memorial service for retriednOfficer Bud Bowman #2767.nn
nMayor Liccardo’s Final State of the City Address
San José Mayor Sam Liccardo delivered his final State of the City address at the California Theatre. During the program, Mayor Liccardo celebrated the hard work of our dedicated City employees, discussed solutions to our community’s most significant challenges, and highlighted initiatives thriving within San José. Our office has nominated the San Jose Neighborhood Community Emergency Response Team (SJNCERT) to be recognized by the Mayor in his annual State of the City address this week.
Thank you again Herb Bowen, Lee Steckmes, Cole Cameron, Rich Saito, and Greg Peck for your dedication to building a resilient San Jose and their tireless efforts to launch this new city-wide nonprofit organization.
Watch some funny, cool, and interesting videos as you get your Daily Dose Of Internet. Getting married in China could be expensive.
nSpeaking of winds of change…Cheryl and JP Nelson, LAPD in my van at a pistol match
The Most Shocking Moments From ‘Saturday Night Live’nChevy Chase And Richard Pryor Get Racist, Many more….nFrom the Editor: I could not upload here so view it HEREn
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- Lithium batteries have caused a number of fires and explosions in consumer products and at recycling plants in the U.S.
- Recycling facilities take a number of precautions to identify and dismantle battery-containing devices before they cause a problem.
- Consumers should never throw them out or try to remove a battery from a device themselves.n
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nDo you think Biden is going to turn out to be the next Jimmy Carter? Deja Vu to a gloomy era, with double digit inflation and long lines at the gas pump?nn Widely regarded as one of the most feckless presidents ever, Carter was a real Christian man trying to do good, but unwilling to rein in the federal deficit. His timing was unlucky, coming not long after the twin inflationary pressures of Johnson’s Great Society and the Vietnam War. His humanitarian gesture of taking in the deposed Shah of Iran triggered the OPEC oil embargo. The price of all oil and gas products soared. Boom! Stagflation. Not until Reagan’s Chair of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker pushed interest rates into the teens did inflation cool. Iran attacked the American embassy in Tehran and took its staff hostage, further humiliating us and our hapless president. Our special forces hostage rescue mission failed due to inadequate planning and bad luck weather, and Carter compounded the ignominy in a fit of ill-advised honesty by confessing it to the world. Carter was a man of integrity dealt a bad hand. He tried to be Jesus when Machiavelli was needed.nnBiden is a man whose moral compass points due south. The most corrupt President since Warren G Harding, he and the Democrats seek power only to enrich themselves and their allies, and to hide their crimes. The most mentally incapacitated president since Wilson’s stroke-induced coma, he stands in sad contrast to Carter’s intelligence. He stumbled into the Oval Office by virtue of a stolen election, and in his guilt must silence all hint of it using the awful power of the State and a complicit media. Contrary to the unlucky Carter, he inherited a nation from the Trump Presidency of unparalleled peace and prosperity, with energy independence, an effective vaccine for a dread pandemic produced in record time, a military unrivaled but restrained, and no inflation. Biden pissed on all of it. He has earned his unpopularity.n
nThis week, we celebrate the 530th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s landing in the Western Hemisphere. Oct. 12, 2022, will commemorate the day the Italian explorer united the Old World and the New World, forever changing the course of human history. Until about 1992, this was a national holiday and a day to celebrate Italian American heritage. Read article HEREnn n
Attention all Units. 211 in progress at Brunis
This is a narrative about three dummies who tried to rob Brunis when there were 11 off duty SJPD officers inside the place.
In the early to late 70’s I was an Sgt in the FTO program. I had Team 35 consisting of FTOs: J. Boyles, T. Hinton, R. Spitze, P Winters, J. Vinson, D. Babineau, J. Gonzalez, P.Taves, R. LeGault, and S. Kimball. All of them great cops and excellent training officers. Our district (7) included (by design Willow Glen area (nice part of town) , downtown area (business section) and some of the crappy beats eastside of town. This to insure our recruits got a taste of all the real world.
So, we were between academies and had no recruits in our cars. We were working mids, (2200/0800) and it was a normal evening around 2300 hrs or so. Then the radio popped: All units, 211 in progress at Brunis, (gave the address on S. 1st, and repeated) 211 in progress at Brunis. I remember Taves copied dispatch and said he was enroute as it was his beat. I was west bound on Keys near 10th or 11th so I just turn on the reds and went fast too. Taves got there first and said he was 1097 and didn’t take his thumb off the mike switch and said,, “7700 (that’s me)you’d get here” I was about 30 second behind him. Taves and I both were parked in the southbound lanes of 1st facing north with our reds on.
And as we got out of our cars this is what we saw on the sidewalk in front of Brunis: Laying on the sidewalk were three bodies and standing around the three bodies were about 5-6 off-duty cops with their drinks (beer cans) still in hand, hootin’ and hollerin’ and having a good old time. One of the officers standing off to the side was (Sgt) Jerry Alberricci. He said he had just got to Brunis, was halfway into his first beer when things turned to crap. Jerry was holding a stick, later determined to be a very short pool cue. After talking briefly with Alberricci, checking the bodies were still alive Taves put out a Code 4 as there were units from all over San Jose driving by to see if the call was legit. It was. More of Team 35 arrived and things calmed down a little.
Here is a summation of what occurred. There were 11 off-duty officers in the place when three banditos came in to rob the place and patrons. Two had knives, one had a revolver. Jerry was playing pool at the table which was just inside the doors and to the right. The fellow with the gun walked up to the bar, stuck the gun between to people (remember, all the patrons are off duty cops) sitting at the bar, points the gun at Bruni and says something to the effect, ‘Give me the money asshole” The cops on each side of the arm with the hand pointing the revolver at Bruni look at each other, one cops grabs the cylinder so the bad guy can’t pull the trigger, the other cop grabs his wrist and between the two of them beat his hand with the gun in it and his wrist on the bar top and bar edge and at the same time pummeling him in the face with their free hands. This causes many bones in the fingers and wrist to become broken, resulting in screams of pain from #1 bandito.
While the officers at the bar are helping #1 see the error of his ways Jerry swings his pool cue at #2 head, breaking both his pool cue and #2’s scalp. Jerry’s pool cue is now about half the original length. #2 staggers towards the bar and #3 decides to exit the premises very quickly. Very important info here: Brunis had two doors to exit and enter, however they were reversed for some reason or other: as you faced the doors, the one on the left was the door to enter. Same on the inside (duh), the door on the left allowed you to exit, the door on the right swung in. So #3 hits the right door at full speed, bounces off the door and Jerry conks him with half a pool cue, reducing its length again to about 1.5 feet. Then a short melee occurred where the banditos were ‘educated’ as to their poor life styles and choices made, drug outside and laid out on the sidewalk. I think Bruni was the reporting party.
At that time off-duty arrests in which the suspect is injured required the arresting officer (s) to give a blood sample. I told Jerry to pick out the most sober of the group and we would transport them to the Det Bur for blood drawing. He designated four as the arresting officers, we put them in units and took them to the PD. The three banditos were transported to VMc and they were sewed up and bandaged. #1 took a little longer as he had to have numerous bones re-set in his right arm and hand, then a full-length cast from elbow to fingers tips applied. Imagine that. Almost done with this thing, just a little more. Didn’t realize it would go on so long.
We get the scene cleaned up, the officers (not selected by Jerry) are back in the bar having a good time so I head to the Det. Bur. I get there and the selected officers are using single copy form 3’s and writing out their observations. Detectives are talking with various officers including Jerry. Jerry is sitting in a small office separated from the detective bay at either the detective captains secretary’s desk or Barts secretary’s desk using her IBM selectric. He also is using a single sheet form 3. He is banging away and I walk in and look over his shoulder at his statement. By this time I.A. has been notified due to numerous officers, numerous injuries to suspects, blood being drawn, etc, etc. So I.A. arrives in the person of Sgt Mike Thompson. But we’re all friends and Mike walk around and reads over Jerry’s other shoulder at what he is typing. Here is a short compilation of his efforts: “….I initiated a foot chase of the suspect, carrying my pool cue with both hands diagonally across by body when I impacted the door frame, breaking the cue at both ends” Jerry stops typing, looks around at Mike and I with big grin, and we both shake our heads saying NO! Jerry rips out the single sheet and then proceeded to type a corrected version of the entire incident.
Suspects were released from VMC with ‘okay for custody paperwork’ and brought to the Det Bur. Dets started interrogating them. After about 15-20 minutes of suspect interviews one of the dets says everyone can go home after completing their paperwork. Taves was trying to gather all the form 3’s for the sectys the next morning. I gave Jerry a ride back to Brunis.
Note: I found out later that one suspect had lived about three blocks from Brunis for about 2 yrs and never realized it was a ‘cop’ bar.
Okay Leroy, that’s it. Note…Jerry’s relatives (daughter) know all this as I told her the same story about a year or so ago. She wanted to hear what had happened as Jerry had mentioned it to her…I think. Anyway, they know about Jerry.
Secondly, I heard via the grapevine that one of the suspects said he didn’t blame the cops for beating them up as it was their place, their bar. The detectives had to stop the tape recorder, back it up a little and continue without the part of not blaming the cops for kicking the shit out of them.
Case never went to trial that I know of, never got a subpoena , I think they plead guilty and got county time.
Feel free to edit, change, delete, erase, toss in trash, etc. etc. with this story. You’re the Musings guy. Missed you at the barbecue in July. All is well in the Land of Flat.
Take care and keep up the good work with Musings. Bruce
Another vid, click HERE
Female gun owners fight back against violence and political rhetoric in California.nnIn the anti-gun political climate of California , residents are stepping up their quest to own weapons and learn how to use them.n
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‘HIGH BAR FOR WHAT IS BEING PROHIBITED’nNew law aims to root out police hate activity
California’s CLEAR Act mandates that officers go through a screening processnBY ROBERT SALONGAnRSALONGA@BAYAREANEWSGROUP.COM
A new law from a South Bay legislator will mandate that California police agencies screen for hate-group affiliations and hateful behavior when they evaluate prospective recruits and receive related complaints about current officers.nThe California Law Enforcement Accountability Reform Act — also referred to as the CLEAR Act — was authored by state Assemblyman Ash Kalra, DEMOCRAT-San Jose, and co-sponsored by the San Jose State University Human Rights Institute.nForms of the bill had been in the works for a few years, but it gained traction after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Investigations after the attack revealednparticipation by scores of current and retired police officers from across the country andndemonstrations of support on social media from numerous law enforcement officers.nBut beyond sympathetic words, the storming of the Capitol by supporters of formernPresident Donald Trump also renewed attention to ties, both direct and indirect, between law enforcement officials — including the Riverside County sheriff — and extremist groups such as the Oath Keepers, whose members were prominently involved in the insurrection.
n“The reality is that the infiltration into law enforcement by these violent groups that arenoftentimes even espousing overthrow of the government has been going on for many years.nThe FBI has recognized the issue for over a decade,” Kalra said in an interview. “Whatnhappened on Jan. 6 makes it further clear that we do everything we can to make sure those in law enforcement are not affiliated with or support groups that are hateful and promote violence.”nKalra’s bill was initially introduced in 2021 but was postponed in the Legislature for the remainder of the year. It was taken up again in January and was signed Sept. 30 by Gov. Gavin Newsom.nThe new law disqualifies a police candidate or a working officer if a law enforcementnagency, during the backgrounding process or while investigating a complaint, finds that the subject “engaged or is engaging in membership in a hate group, participation in any hate group activity or advocacy of public expressions of hate.”nA key qualifier under the law is that the hate-related conduct has to have happened after the age of 18 and within the prior seven years after its detection.nThe bill did not encounter aggressive opposition. The California Police Chiefs Association did not take an official stance on the bill; its executive director told the Bay Area News Group that the group believed the bill’s requirements were already covered by existing “proactive” practice and a police decertification law passed last year.nOver the past few years, Bay Area police agencies have come under fire after scandalsninvolving hate-related behavior, particularly on social media. A former Oakland police officer was found to have been at the Jan. 6 insurrection, leading to the discovery of demonstrations of support for him, as well as a separate Instagram account associated with Oakland police officers that made light of police brutality and included racist and misogynist posts. That scandal has threatened the police department’s odds of getting out from under two decades of federal monitoring.nSan Jose police were the subject of a scandal in the summer of 2020, amid the national civil unrest over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, when a series of racist, Islamophobic and other derogatory remarks posted on Facebook by former and current San Jose Police Department officers surfaced.nBoth the Oakland and San Jose scandals led to discipline, resignations and terminations of several officers.nWilliam Armaline, director of the Human Rights Institute at San Jose State, said the point of the CLEAR Act should be a matter of common sense and stressed that it sets a high threshold for disqualifying behavior.n“What you see in the bill is a high bar for what is being prohibited. This is explicitnmembership, participation and support for actual hate crimes and genocide. This is notngray area,” Armaline said. “I don’t think it should be terribly controversial to take seriously those kinds of issues.”nn nnThe “LIVES AND DEATHS OF THE SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT” brought up a lot of fine memories and comments from our members. (SEE COMMENTS LAST ISSUE)nnMany comments including “Heaven will have a Foghorn and Bruni’s.” from Roger Princevalle #1279.n
I managed to locate a few momentos:nn
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nn–The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless.nnn
n–Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.n
–“The starting pay is $40,000. Later it can go up to $80,000.” Great. I’ll start later.”n
n–Trust science. Studies show that if your parents didn’t have children there’s a high probability you won’t either.n
n—Only in math problems can you buy 60 cantaloupe melons and no one asks, “What the Hell is wrong with you?”n
nn–Just once, I want the username and password prompt to say, “Close enough.”n
nn–If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I’m self employed. We’re having a meeting.n
nn–“Your call is very important to us. Please enjoy this 40 minute flute solo”.n
nn–I envy people who grow old gracefully. They age like a fine wine. I’m ageing like milk: Getting sour and chunky.n
nn–Does anyone else have a plastic bag full of plastic bags, or is it just me?n
nn–So, you drive across town to a gym to walk on a treadmill?n
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WHAT THE UKRAINIANS ARE FIGHTING FOR!nFemale Street Workout Motivation. A selection of sports girls of Ukraine, who lit up on the site of Kiev. This is a real sport motivation and a vivid example for many girls who should go in for Calisthenics. On the video street female Ukraine sports girls Russia workout 2013, exercises on the pole (pylon), gymnastics and just girls leading a healthy lifestyle.n
Not this way now,, but it will return ….KIEV..Just a ukraian thing No money needed make due
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C’ya![]() ![]() |
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