NBC Reports on exhaustion taking toll on SJPD

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‘The Exhaustion is Just Taking Its Toll’: SJPD Officers Claim Fatigue Due to Staffing Issues

nA long-running battle between the San Jose Police Union and city hall is heating up again.nnThe union is in the middle of contract negotiations with city hall and there are mayoral campaign implications. But, officers say the problem is beyond politics, claiming fatigue due to staffing.nn“I’m looking at four hours of sleep per night when I come back to work the next day,” said a San Jose police officer who did not want to be identified.nnThey say they’re increasingly forcing them to work mandatory overtime because there aren’t enough beat cops to cover the next shift.nnThe fatigue among officers is real, especially for those who have to commute in from the Central Valley because they can’t afford the price of homes in the Bay Area. n

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