nHaving trouble correcting the Date of Death. Help from anyone?
SAVE THE DATE!nnKITCHEN CREW FOR PBA BBQ! JOB WELL DONE, I HEAR.Larry Lundberg, Armando Elamin, Terry Handforth, Bill Santos,nGlen Harper, Piggy Bennett
15 Badass Facts About Annie Oakley That Prove She Could Outshoot Any Man. She First Picked Up A Gun At Age 8n
nnAs the story goes, Oakley was 8 years old when she first picked up a gun. Her father had taught her how to hunt and trap, unusual pursuits for a young girl in the 1860s.nnnnOakley was once quoted as saying, “I was eight years old when I made my first shot, and I still consider it one of the best shots I ever made.” Apparently, her first shot was a kill – she aimed a heavy muzzle loader at a squirrel, and got it right in the head. Full story HEREnn
nnNational Day of the Cowboy, on the fourth Saturday in July — falling on July 23, this year — is here to prove to us that cowboy culture, despite the misconception that it has faded away over the years and been beaten down by the Information Age, is alive and well. nn
nIt wouldn’t be too outlandish to say that the National Day of the Cowboy movement got its real start when ranchers and cowhands first started working herds in the American West before all 50 states were even formed. Roping and riding, herding cattle on horseback, living by the lariat on your saddle horn, and camping under a big, starry American sky — these things were integral to the American cowboy experience. For a long while, other countries’ perception of what Americans were like was exemplified by the ‘Marlboro Man’ image — a stoic, soft-spoken, self-reliant master of herd beasts and the wilderness.nnBack in 2005, to make sure it stays that way, the organization National Day of the Cowboy (NDOC) sponsored a bill in the Wyoming House and Senate to preserve and celebrate cowboy culture and history in that state, attaching an eponymous holiday to be observed on the fourth Saturday in July. The bill passed and, since then, other states have passed NDOC in their legislatures. As of the end of July 2019, 15 states had passed the bill.nnSince the beginning of NDOC’s political campaigning, they’ve raised awareness and enthusiasm for things like rodeos, cowboy history museums, and country fairs featuring roping demonstrations to make sure the cowboy image never dies. We’re in their corner, even if our only experience of the entire milieu comes from watching “Gunsmoke” and “The Rifleman.”nnNDOC, the organization, shows no signs of slowing down. They operate under a corporate hierarchy, with a chairman, treasurer, and secretary at the top, all the way down to a cadre of committed volunteers at ground level. The grassroots movement is determined to pass NDOC in all 50 states and has steadily gained momentum since its start-up in 2005.n
I was born in Alabama in 1947 and moved to Illinois at the age of 16. After graduating high school in 1965, I enlisted in the US Navy where I served four years. Like many veterans, the power of community has always compelled me to give back in service to others.
After my time in the military, I got involved locally with many different organizations, like the Boys and Girls Club and Kiwanis International. At one point, I volunteered as the Vice President, and then President, for the Redlands Morning Club, and also served as a Board Member of the Family Service Association of Redlands. During this time, my wife, Anne, and I had three children. After two decades working in the transportation industry, I created and ran my own business, Leonard’s Catering, specializing in barbecue, for 23 years before retiring in 2016.
Anne and Leo Snyder, pictured in 2016.
Anne and I moved in 2018 to be closer to our youngest son, so we could pour love into our grandchildren. But in July 2021, after noticing changes in my speech, our lives changed dramatically when I was diagnosed with ALS. I was surprised to learn that ALS is a service-related, neurodegenerative disease and that people who have served in the military are twice as likely to be
ALS is life-altering and is so hard on everyone. There are days I don’t want to go out because of the physical challenges of the disease. Since my ALS diagnosis, I am very sad that I can no longer be an avid spokesperson with Kiwanis International at our yearly conventions. I have to communicate with devices, and that’s difficult because changes in my vision came to the point where I could no longer operate my eye gaze system.
Knowing the power of community service organizations, we connected with the Golden West Chapter in August 2021 and were partnered with a Regional Care Manager. Her extensive knowledge of ALS and local resources has been indispensable for our family. She has helped us cope with changes in my daily life including loss of speech, difficulty swallowing, and advice regarding the placement of a peg tube.
My Care Manager also helped me with much needed durable medical equipment, through the Chapter’s loan program, like a shower chair that my insurance wouldn’t cover. Through the Chapter’s support groups, we were connected to more key ALS services.They have also been a place of reprieve for Anne, who is my main caregiver.
The ALS community needs people to help raise ALS awareness and funds. That’s why my family and I formed Team Snyder and participated in the Golden West Chapter Walk to Defeat ALS. Each of us decided to “Walk-Our-Way” from our neighborhoods thanks in part to the Walk Day kits we received as registered Walk Team Captains. Anne walked with me at our local park, sharing our ALS story with everyone we met.
To all of those who have been touched by ALS, be kind to yourselves and don’t be afraid to talk about this disease. My motto amongst my circle of support is, “I love you, and you can’t do anything about it!” I hope you will join me and get involved with the Golden West Chapter. Together we can serve the ALS community.
In service,nLeonard “Leo” SnydernSeaman, United States NavynTeam Captain Walk to Defeat ALS
nnnSo… Leave the Gate OpennnIf you leave the gate open, the cow will wander off. So if you intentionally leave the gate open, you want the cow to wander off. You can’t blame stupidity or laziness. It was intentional.nnIf you cut police budgets, you will get more crime on the streets. So if you intentionally cut police budgets, you wanted more crime on the streets.nnIf you cut back the supply of oil, gas prices will go up. So if you intentionally cut back the supply of oil, you wanted gas prices to go up.nnIf you print trillions of dollars without increasing the supply of goods, inflation will hit hard. So if you intentionally print trillions of dollars without more goods you wanted inflation to hit hard.nnIf you leave the southern border wide open, you get more drug trafficking and human trafficking. So if you intentionally leave the border wide open, you wanted more drug trafficking and human trafficking.nnIf you shut down 40% of the supply of baby formula in February, you’ll get a huge shortage. When you KNOW a huge baby formula shortage is coming because of the FDAs actions, and you purposefully do nothing to prevent it, month after month, until the crisis finally hits hard, you INTENDED this crisis.nnIt is time to recognize the evil people behind that old man. They want crisis. They want chaos. They want riots. They want conflicts in your town. Their stated purpose years ago with Obama was to “take the US down a few notches on the world stage.” You can feel the quality of your life going down with the country. These are not foolish or misguided people. They are headed somewhere you don’t want to go…n
Forward this if you can understand this is happening.
1.Law of Mechanical Repair –nAfter your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you’ll have to pee. 2.Law of Gravity –nAny tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible place in the universe.3.Law of Probability –nThe probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.4.Law of Random Numbers -nIf you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal; someone always answers.5.Variation Law –nIf you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now.6.Law of the Bath -nWhen the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone will ring.7.Law of Close Encounters –nThe probability of meeting someone you know INCREASES dramatically when you are with someone you don’t want to be seen with.8.Law of the Result –nWhen you try to prove to someone that a machine won’t work, IT WILL!!!9.Law of Biomechanics –nThe severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
11.The Coffee Law -nAs soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.12.Murphy’s Law of Lockers -nIf there are only 2 people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.13.Law of Physical Surfaces –nThe chances of an open-faced jam sandwich landing face down on a floor are directly correlated to the newness and cost of thencarpet or rug14.Law of Logical Argument –nAnything is possible IF you don’t know what you are talking about.15. Law of Physical Appearance –nIf the clothes fit, they’re ugly.16.The 50-50-90 LawnWhenever there’s a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there’s a 90% probability that you’ll get it wrong.17Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy –nAs soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it OR the store will stop selling it!18.Doctors’ Law –nIf you don’t feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there, you’ll feel better. But don’t make an appointment and you’ll stay sick.
nThanks for allowing me to share these flash fiction stories.nnI started seriously writing these about a year and a half ago. Each story is exactly 101 words and every story is inspired by a prompt people give me. I get prompts from family, friends, neighbors—even former colleagues like Buckhout and Zwemke have sent me some. I’m always looking for more so if any of your readers are interested, they can send them to me at scotty@scottycornfield.com. If I use one, I’ll pass along the credit. Prompts can be single words (robocall, trillions, prerequisite, etc.) or phrases (home repair, A close shave, etc.). Whatever someone wants to pass along, if it generates an idea, I’m grateful.nnI’ll have my first book out in a few months. In the meantime, here are some from my collection. I write one every day. Today I wrote story #347.nnAt the end of each story, I include the prompt that inspired the tale.nnModel BehaviornnPeople never believe me when I tell them I’m a model. “You can’t be,” they’ll say. “You’re not tall enough — or anorexic.”nnIt doesn’t get any easier when they learn I’m a hand model. “That’s not a thing,” is the typical response.This usually leads to me trying to prove to them that it is, indeed “a thing.”nnTonight is no exception. This guy at the bar thinks he’s scoring points with every stupid joke he makes about “hand jobs.”nnUnfortunately for him, last week I did a print ad for Smith & Wesson. They let me keep the product.nnBig mistake.nnPrompt: Finger Pick 3/2/21n